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Guest Pandii

Yep was Dyl, adult tooth, dope up on pain killers lol, temperory cap put on, they will do more work in a month once the tooth has settled down, he hit it that hard he had peices of metal in his tooth

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Yep was Dyl, adult tooth, dope up on pain killers lol, temperory cap put on, they will do more work in a month once the tooth has settled down, he hit it that hard he had peices of metal in his tooth

Ouch poor boy... Hope he is ok...

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Guest Pandii

Thanks Munchin, the things kids do, but all is good, student insurance will pick up the bill and he is comfy atm, so all is good

Seb is still snoring after this morings walk, poor bugger was to tired to do anything

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Oh Pandii, your poor boy, hope he is ok!! Was it a front one??

My guys were still full of beans once we got home so they had a big bone each while I did soem house work then we went to thunder point and they ran for another hour, then I did some shopping and on the way home we stopped at Brierly reserve and they and another run, they are sure goign to sleep well tonight. I just love days off....LOL

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Guest Pandii

Do they need alot of excersise??

Seb is still snoring lol

Yes front tooth and pain killers have worn off and it HURTS!!!!

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No they dont usually need as much as what we had today the walk this morning at the park would have been enough but on my days off I guess I tend to over compensate for the days I work, even though I do walk them before work for at least 1/2 hour off lead. But also I really enjoy taking them out and about and love to see them having so much fun, I only took them to the park (Brierly) on the way home cause they had been in the car for a hwile while I did a little shopping, so let them stretch thier legs before we went home, we dont have a humoungous back yard, it is big enough for 4 but they do need to go out for a run. Ill have to post a pic of our dog run (that we never use!!)

Anyway I try to give them at the very least one hour a day, but now that it is dark early it is harder after work.

RJ, where were you today, havent heard from you for a while!! and Tenties hope all is well with you!!

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Guest Pandii

I am very sorry to those who got my TXT about albert park of tonight, I couldnt end up going and i am sorry I ran credit and couldnt let you all know

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Hey whats everyone up to on this horribly windy, rainy, non doggy friendly day..... :p

How did everyones dogs cope with the thunder, all good here, Lacy got on the bed and went back to sleep after the biggest clap woke us up and the rest didnt even bat an eye!!

RJ, hows tricks havent seen you on for a while and Tenties, what you been up to??

Pandii, I was suprised with Dante yesterday, she seemed very casual about all the dogs, I reckon you shoudl bring her on lead one day on one of our walks and see how she goes. Hows he recall if you let her off??

Munchin have you moved yet? was it this weekend? I hope not what a crap weekend to be shifting.

Hope we can organise another walk soon, although I think from now on the good days may be few and far between well at least thats what it feels like at the moment!!

If the weather is nice on Thurday me and Maws are going to go to thunder point if anyone wants to come along. We havent made a time yet, if it is really sunny we will probly just do Albert park.

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What a day... rain, rain go away... Did anyone go and have a look down at breakwater today, was mad az highest I have ever seen it... Meanwhile Bruno is at home and rolling in the grass, dirty az can't believe I washed him yesterday oh well...

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Guest Pandii

I play the Wii all day lol

Dante will not be coming on our walks, I cannot hold her and to have to be on top of her the whole time will make my walk unpleasent.

Muchin, I am so thankful for the kennel now we have this weather, they are all in safe and warm, thanks somuch

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Hi Everyone,

I am still about just havent felt all that sociable of late....you will all be happy to hear that RJ has entered Boof in his first show YAY :laugh::thumbsup: it will be at Geelong in May if anyone wants to go have a look LOL...

Just joking RJ.

We have to get together to organise this show training everyone i have the pigtails to set the ring up just got to go to the $2 shop to get some nylon cord to thread through them for the ring . i also have a table and non slip mat for all those little doggies , dont forget show training is not just for show dogs its for ALL dogs it is a great socialising tool and gets all dogs used to being handled and gone over by a stranger.

Well im off to have my tea.


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Hi Everyone.

Yes I have moved, but lucky was the weekend before, this weekend was the clean up and mow the lawn. (and I did it Saturday afternoon, and ended up drowned). All done now, though still have Iris's to dig up if I get around to it - anyone want any???

New place is fun, cow poo, mud paddock and burs with a long haired dog! Anyone want to come visit??? There is a dam too.... grrrr, she likes the water even when its raining.

Glad your guys are all safe and warm Pandii, its good that it is finally getting some use.

Looks like we will have to pick our days for a get together now, I hate the wind.

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Hi all, just thought i'd post cause we were slipping down the list!!

Glad to hear you have moved Munchin, and that you didn't have to do it last weekend!!

Pandii, how is Dylans tooth going??

Tenties, thanks for leting us know about RJ's showing, and GOOD LUCK RJ!

T&T, I hope Bruno is clean now!! They always get messy when just after you wash them!

Tlc, I should be ok for the walk with Migs and your lot at Thunder Point on Thurs, prob earlier better for me if you can, maybe 9:30? Will have to see what weather is like that morning tho and confirm, not going if weather like weekend :laugh: or if very, very sunny (which is unlikely), so should be fine :thumbsup:

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Guest Pandii

Hey anyone up for a walk, I need to get out and clear my head a bit???

Maws Dylan is fine now, permanate work will be done in june

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