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Guest Pandii

Nah Nah Mawson I already had met Munchin :laugh:

Glad you guys had a great day, I am not feeling to bad, but ssshhhh dont tell anyone, its nice laying in bed with a good movie lol

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Hey guy's thanks for the play date today, Bruno had a ball... TLC those pics are great, thanks for taking them....

will have to see if I can make it up there, if not Sunday then another weekend for sure...

once again thanks for the play date..

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and lastly just a couple of my girl with my Nan at Lyndoch.



Lacy Spied the resident kitty cat at Lyndoch


she was very good and didnt try to chase it, however she did have a little growl and the kitten wasnt impressed!!


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Those photos are ................well no one has ever captured my guys like that, they are wonderful.

You must have been on the ball with the shot of kitten, all fluff ball!

Nan looks like she was having a wonderful time with Lacy.

Hopefully see you tomorrow, and who else can make it. To those that cant, Happy Easter.

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Hi guys,

Tlc, as always beautiful photos... the ones of Munchins kids almost made me cry :mad They are really beautiful :eek:

I'm up for tomorrow, same time, same place suits me fine :mad

Pandii, glad to hear you are feeling better, but shhhhhh, we won't tell anyone!! Though it would be great to see you tomorrw, so you might have to tell someone, or just stick some pillows under your doona and sneak out!!! The Oh and kis might notice Ty and Seb missing tho!! Put some extra pillows, so they think they are sleeping with you :mad

You up for tomorrow T&T?? Anyone else? Hope to see as many of you as possible, for those who can't have a very HAPPY EASTER!!!

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TLC the pics with the boarders are FANTASTIC you are a really great photographer, I think I might get a copy of the pics (if ok) and do what you have done for our house.

Munchin those pics of your dogs are really fantastic also, they truly show the dogs personality...

I believe I will be seeing y'all tomorrow at 10.30am, think if I didn't Bruno may disown me becasue he had a fabulous time...

Oh yeah and the pic of the cat is soooo funny, that is something you see in those emails people send around, shows how good of a photographer you are TLC...

I will see y'all tomorrow....

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Hi Guys, Ill definaltey be there on the morning, as long as you promise not to laugh at Cooper and Tully, they have both been clipped and look quite ridiculous....LOL it takes about a week or so for that freshly cut look to go away!!

In regards to the photos, I didnt think the ones of Bruno were really that good at all, I will bring my camera again tomorow and try to get soem better ones, then Ill edit them and put them on a memory stick for you. There wasnt really any goodies of Mawson, will try again tomorow.

Pandii are you going to join us in the morning?? and Tenties and RJ what about you guys??

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Guest Pandii

No not on Easter Sunday, my family think I am quiet dog crazy as it is, let alone to escape the morning easter bunny comes

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Arrrrrrrgh you guys, if I went to a dog thing on easter Sunday my family would kill me

Oh bumma you cant come, I walk my lot twice a day so id be going out about that time anyway. We dont do anything Special on Easter Sunday, My family live away and Seans Mum is not well so its just us this year, although I will head down to Lyndoch in the arvo to see my nan again.

Will have to have a catch up with you soon!!

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Would love to come for a playdate !!!!!!!

But then the easter bunnys OH would shoot me and turn me into rabbit stew:)

And hopefully Boofious and I will be doing some show lessons :D :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: at some time during the day !!!!!!!~ fingers crossed anyway :rofl:

Cheers Janet

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Hi GUys, I had a great time again today, I just love it that all the dogs get on so well and we dont have to be constantly on gaurd. I have had a look at the photos and Tanya would you believe out of all the photos I took there was only 2 good ones of Bruno, I am having a lot of trouble on occasion with my new lense, not sure what Im doing wrong with it. There was a few goodies of your guys Munchin, I will edit when I get a chance and put them on a memory stick. No doubt Ill take the camera again next time and have another crack at it, especailly with Bruno, Im determined now to get some good ones of him. There was some goodies of Mawson too, Ill email them soon. Dont suppose anyone is up for another walk in the morning same place, if anyone is interested Ill be there at 10.30. I do have to work tomorow but I always go for a walk in the morning before work. I guess most of you working people have the day off tomorow? I will post some photos but probley not till tomorow sometime.

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Thanks for yesterday! was great to get out and about with the kids. Wont be there today, will be too much on the oldies, they need their rest. Will have to do it again soon. Will have to be on the weekends for me.

Will catch the rest of the guys another day.

PS I got burnt yesterday!

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