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Protection Work, Human Aggression & Positive Trainers


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Maybe Midol is hoping that the crooks will start going awww look at the clever puppy and not attack him.

I don't think there's anything wrong with Midol exploring the possibilites, even if it means that PP proves to not be the way to go for protection training.

But it would have been nice if his OP didn't come across as more a beating around the ears than a genuine interest question.

Come on, Midol. Where's the apology? :rolleyes:

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I am all for exploring possibilities, but judging on his OP I don't think there is room to move, his way or the highway.

Yes - it came across as a bit of a king-hit, but I don't think he fully meant to sound so sharp. But if he'd come in and clarify that, we'd know more for certain :rolleyes:.

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I agree with Jeff there is no way a PP dog is a servicable dog in my eyes. PP misses fundamental facets of dog training (positive punishment etc) and hence you cannot guarentee a proofed dog.

PP is ok for some things but to risk my life on a PP dog - no. no chance.

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Just wondering, is there even such thing as PURELY positive, theoritcaly it doesn't make sense.

No there is not. However it has become a term that loosely describes the patronage by some to abhor and avoid overt aversives. The aversives the PP normally prefer are more obtuse, not so obvious to the naked eye. IMO.

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Regarding "dominance" theory, yes this was discussed at length in a previous thread. It's not so much that I don't believe in the dominance theory, it's just that I have a much better understanding about it these days than I did 10 years ago and it's not as "cut and dry" as many would like to believe it is.

I will hijack Midol's thread to discuss rank aggression and fear aggression with you, Kelpie-i.....

Wait, better not. :p

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