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Et Were Doin It !


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I did it with my Dobe and LOVED it.

We trained at about 11kms/hr and in the end did 4kms every second day. The other days were free running at the beach, agility/obedience training and I always had one day off a week. As I live on a farm myself and friends did a practice run a few weeks before and did the whole 20kms with the dogs, they breezed it in.

The vet actually asked me if my dog got excited about anything as when he was checking heart/temp/feet she was drifting off and resting her head on his hand. Her HR and Temp was lower on each check than the start of the trial. During the rest times we made sure they were offered water of course but other than that ours were flat out on their sides resting/asleep. We had a Aussie that vetted out as he was soo wound up, he wouldn't settle between stages and his temp and HR vetted him out after the second stage. I think he barked the WHOLE first stage.

I so wish I was doing it again, I am not sure how I would go getting a Whippy fit enough for 20kms though?

Can't wait for updates

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I had to travel 400kms to compete in mine, the only other thing that happened was one person nearly got pulled off their bike because their Dobe saw an Emu - made for a few exciting moments. Not only was the event great, I love the training and lead up, my dog and I had a great time together and she loved getting out and about, wasn't to bad for my bottom either. Do it you, will not regret a moment of it, well maybe a little at the end if you didin't use a gel seat!!!!!

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Oh Oh Cabey and I are currently in training :thumbsup: We are currently making 4k in 30 minutes on foot lol as I don't have my bike yet :rofl: Thought about jogging it but I dunno if I could get that fit!!!

Can't wait :laugh:

Oh one question- regarding the collar, I generally use a chain/nylon martingale on Caber... would that be okay or must it be a standard flat collar? He has a leather buckle one he has for special occasions :rofl:

Edited by SpikesPuppy
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  Rebanne said:
I sent my entry off today :eek: mind you I still haven't started training the dog, that starts next week :laugh:

what have you done Sway? :eek:

OMG entries in already!! :laugh:

I do think everyone is out to get me, on thw weekend at the show

they were handing out flyers to the up and coming ET :laugh:

What kind of entry form do i need?

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We've been training! I do want to jog it as it's partly for my fitness. :laugh:

At the moment we're jogging about 3k, 3 times a week but it's more my fitness stopping us than Clover, of course! Not sure when we'll get to 20k but I am looking forward to it. :rolleyes:

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I sent my entry off as a motivation tool :D

Sway and I are doing the Dallie club one on June 6th. I just used an ordinary entry form.

Fern has basically weaned the pups so we can start next week, or this week if I get my bike out of the shed.

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