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Oestrogen Responsive Incontinence


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I have a 2yo mini poodle suffering from Oestrogen Responsive Incontinence. It came about directly after being spayed.

Since 6 months of age she has been on Propalin. Recently the Propalin has not been effective even though my poodle is receiving the correct dosage for her weight.

The vet has suggested giving her a low dose of oestrogen (combined with the Propalin), but he is hesitant as a possible side effect is bone marrow supression.

Someone has mentioned to me a new drug called Incurin which contains a short acting natural oestrogen, which research has found does not cause bone marrow suppression.

I would appreciate anyone's advice or experience with this problem and these meds, in particular if you have used oestrogen meds (and did they cause side effects) and also anyone who has used Incurin. I am also open to natural alternatives.

Thanks in advance.



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A forum search for "spay incontinence" will give you some past threads to read through as a start. :mad

Thanks Molasseslass. :( Have done that. There is some good info on "natural alternatives" which I will investigate. I guess what I am mainly interested in is the effectiveness of Incurin, and also the effectiveness of combining Propalin with Oestrogen (in a low dose) as Propalin alone no longer works for my girl.

It appears in previous threads that many people have used Oestrogen with great success, but I can't work out if their dogs are old or young. My dog is 2 and as she is a poodle, she (hopefully) has a long life ahead of her.



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Research Sudafed.....You can still get it over the counter at Chemist , but have to give ID.

Both phenylpropanolamine and pseudoephedrine have their effects on alpha adrenergic receptors - swapping between them is not likely to make a great deal of difference.

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I found that the Propalin would become less effective with one of mine roughly every 6 months, ie when she would have been in season. So I would use Incurin as a top up for those few weeks and then the Propalin would work fine again.

I have one on Incurin now (and it isn't a new drug, been around years!), but it is more of a pain to give her a tablet then to put drops onto the food.

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Years ago had a Dobe bitch on Stilboesterol, worked really well no side effects from drug at all.

Few years ago, had a Dobe bitch on incurin, no side effects worked really well and would use it again. Tried Sudafed but having to dose two or three times a day was a pain, incuring was much better with less potential side effects tha Stilb... My Dobe on Stil was on it for years as well. My Bitch on incurin was only on it for about 6 months, then didn't need it, then sucummed to DCM.

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Years ago had a Dobe bitch on Stilboesterol, worked really well no side effects from drug at all.

Few years ago, had a Dobe bitch on incurin, no side effects worked really well and would use it again. Tried Sudafed but having to dose two or three times a day was a pain, incuring was much better with less potential side effects tha Stilb... My Dobe on Stil was on it for years as well. My Bitch on incurin was only on it for about 6 months, then didn't need it, then sucummed to DCM.

What is DCM? Thanks.

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Dilated Cardio myopathy. Went from normal to very ill in a couple of hours.

That is very sad. I am sorry. I am assuming from what you have written that it was in no way related to the Incurin?

Cheers, Doorh

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