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Not Recalling When You Know They Ain't Comin'


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It is so frustrating. I have told OH countless times not to call Kivi Tarro when he's not going to come, and he still uses the emergency recall at precisely those times and then gives me a "told you so" look and tells me it doesn't work. That's because it's not trained yet! And it's never going to get there if someone keeps using it when he's busy doing his favourite thing in the world. I have explained it over and over again in various levels of detail and apparently I am still not being understood. Today at the dog park he recalled perfectly to the ER when I used it when he was trotting off to explore the creek, but then totally ignored it when OH used it when he was already just metres away from touching noses with a new doggy friend. It is improving in spite of OH's use of it, but it is really getting silly and making it all a lot harder than it needs to be. He is quite reliable even without the emergency recall until he's playing with another dog. Then you have to pick a moment when he's not totally focused on the game and he will come.

Does anyone have a way to explain this concept of not using the emergency recall when it's unlikely the dog is going to want to come back that might get through to my man? I do not for the life of me understand how it could be so hard when I have made it crystal clear over and over again since we started training it.

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I too have a different set of commands for OH and I :love: If it makes you feel any better, OH can't let Zig off lead at all because Zig just gives him the doggy equivalent of 'the finger' :thumbsup: OH means well and I've tried to teach him but his sense of timing and consistency are way off and Ziggy just ignores him. Completely. I shouldn't laugh but it's very funny to watch :thumbsup: My point is that dogs can learn selectively who 'means it' and who doesn't :)

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I tend to turn it around. Explain to him that every time he uses it while your dog is playing or about to play (as an example) it is teaching the dog that the word means "go and play with your new friend". Because that is basically the connection a dog is going to make if it hears the same word every time it greets a new dog.

I like the idea of having a separate set of commands for each person though :love:

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My dogs don't do a thing my husband asks, including come when called. They just look back and keep heading in the opposite direction. And he also doesn't get it that you just can't keep calling and calling them when they clearly are NOT going to come til they're good and ready.

They come back about 99% of the time I call them. I call, I put my hand in my pocket as they turn to look at me (that's the signal for treats), I wave my arm in the air, then start running backwards, calling and waving. They return, they get a treat.

What's the emergency recall?

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It's hard to know what to suggest without knowing how trainable your OH is.

I would continue to teach the dog my way and ignore the OH. The dogs know who means business and who doesn't. If he says it doesn't work, just simply say "it works for me" and let him think about that.

Remember to reinforce your OH when he does do the right thing. :love:

If they were my dogs, I would make it clear that if they are let off the leash if I am not there I would consider it a relationship deal-breaker.

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Kivi is on a long line. And will remain so until his recall is as reliable as I would like it to be. I am very cautious about these things and Penny was on a long line for months when I first got her and it was months of her never going more than 3 metres away from me anyway that gave me the courage to take the long line off.

The emergency recall is his name repeated 3 times in quick succession at a high pitch. I was cutting corners because now he responds quite well to his name called once. :rofl: I don't want to change it particularly because we already have about 4 months of conditioning and his recall is still improving in spite of everything. Maybe I should just take control of the ER treats and only give them to OH when it's quiet. Unfortunately that doesn't stop him using the ER without any kind of reward in his hands when he feels it's an emergency. Which happens a fair bit when he won't intercept Kivi before he gets it into his head he desperately needs to go say hi to another dog in the first place. I have been trying not to interfere too much with OH when he has Kivi because I want Kivi to get used to OH's natural way of doing things.

Perhaps I need to carry chocolate drops and pop OH one when he does the right thing, hm? :laugh:

I love that OH is so active in looking after the animals and spending time with them, but man, I am so tired of explaining this concept and watching in dismay as the recall suffers another setback. Next dog I'm getting he will not even know the emergeny recall until it's solid if I have my way. You can mess around with a Lapphund and get away with it, but not so a Basenji or a Sheba or some such.

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My husband does not train our dogs, so they may ignore him. So if we are out and about and the very few times he gives commands, if instant response is not achieved, I take over.

That being said, come means come!!!!!!!! IMHO, the most important command for owners who allow their dogs freedom.

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