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Goodnight Zach Brown


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Good night mate. Thankyou for sharing your life with me and my daughters.

Tell Squid I miss him and give him a big headbut from me.

Love you. Mum, Dad , Amy and Skyla love you too. You patient, kind wonderful animal of 17 years. Thankyou for your loyalty, trust and unconditional love.

Watch over Mum and send her something to make her feel oK, selfish I know but she still needs you.

Goodnight sweetheart.

Edited by ~CHEWBACCA~
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Party time at the bridge Zach Brown with a big meet and greet :thumbsup: but don't forget what Chewie asked you to do.

Tell Reo, Jack and Tessa I'll see them again one day and to please wait for me. I so miss them. :(

Edited by dogsdot
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