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My 15yo Gsd Is In Hospital Tonight


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LL, he's bouncing around like a baby puppy :D ...well maybe not literally like a baby puppy but you get my drift.

He's recovered from whatever it was...we think it quite possibly may have been a bad bout of gastro...thank Goodness! He's eating well and seems back to normal.

The ultra sound scans came back fine, albeit they did find some small cysts on his kidneys and liver but they believe he may have had them for quite a while and don't pose any threat.

Thanks heaps for your concern LL...I hope your gorgeous Cracker is going well too! Maybe they can meet one day and share their stories of "the good ole' days" :laugh:

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Thanks heaps for your concern LL...I hope your gorgeous Cracker is going well too! Maybe they can meet one day and share their stories of "the good ole' days" :p

So glad to read Bud is going well. Cracker also. Hopefully our special oldies can meet.

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