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My 15yo Gsd Is In Hospital Tonight


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Really sorry to hear your 15 year old GSD boy is not well and is in hospital. Thinking of you both and sending lots of healing vibes and thoughts his way. :cheer: :cheer: I know how worrying this must be for you. As our dogs get older, we are reminded of their short time with us :cheer: and our need to treasure every day we have with them.

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Oh my I am honestly overwhelmed with the well wishes...thank you thank you!!!!

Bud is at home and has perked up a little today and began to eat little bits of chicken but continues to vomit unfortunately. At this stage we are treating it as a bad case of gastro but the vet is concerned about his weight loss over the last month, the small forming lumps and increased pain in his abdomen. Bloods came back normal so no infection but they tell me that does not rule out the fact that it could be someting more sinister and wants to run an ultra sound to check for tumours etc., mainly because of his age.

So until the ultra sound is done (which I will organise tomorrow), I will continue to treat it as gastro and feed small amounts of boiled chicken and rice and keep him as comfortable as possible.

I feel somewhat helpless at the moment as there is nothing much else I can do for him. Buddy is a very special dog to me (my nobleman) and one day I will tell tell the story on how he saved my life.

I will keep you posted if there are any further developments, but just wish to say THANK YOU again for your healing wishes and words of comfort. They certainly help!


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Thanks Cosmolo, it's a long story and I will most certainly type it when I am in the right frame of mind.

I've just offered him dinner and he is still refusing it. The vet said he ate a little bit of chicken earlier this morning (which he vomited up) but he is certainly not interested in taking any food again tonight...(sigh!)

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Kelpie-i was still very worried about Bud last night as he still wouldn't eat, but I've heard this morning that he has now eaten some food (rice) and managed to hold it down. When she let her other dogs out for a run one of them ran to the fence and had a bark (normal) and Bud decided he'd get up, go out and have a bit of a sniff around .... and a bark :( .... too :mad. He's still not 100% and Kelpie-i is going to follow through with an ultra-sound just to make sure there's nothing sinister, but it would certainly seem at the moment that there's been some improvement. Let's hope it is simply a gastro episode, which tbh wouldn't be surprising given the hot days and nights we've recently endured.

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Spotted Devil, I'm sure Bud has been reading my threads over night and took particular note of Ziggy's threat to come and hoover up his food....coz as Erny said, he ate a small amount this morning which is excellent. :laugh:

Yes he did have a bark at the fence.....and usually I tell them to shut up, but this time I was yelling "yay, good boy Bud...keep it going!!" :D Luckily I don't have neighbours to worry about.

As Erny said, he is certainly much better and has been a little more 'mobile' today. So fingers crossed it was only a nasty stomach bug and nothing more.

I have organised the referral for the ultra sound and will make the appointment with Werribee as soon as I receive it. I still want to have this done to make sure that all is fine....worry wart I am!!

Thanks heaps to everyone, once again, for all your well wishes and for the great advice....I think all those healing vibes made their way here and in good time too!

I'll post back once the ultra sound has been had...but only if there is anything to report. In the meantime, here's to feeling better :rofl:

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Glad to read Bud is going well. Phew, Kelpie-i, your initial post was of great concern.

Keeping barking Bud.

One of our labradors passed away quietly one night 2 years ago. We currently have yet another 15 year old going strong, abet with drug therapy.

Keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you and Bud.

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One of our labradors passed away quietly one night ...

Holy toledo LL. When I read the above it frightened the c4#p out of me. Until I read the next bit ....

...2 years ago.

That's still sad, but I was thinking you meant your goldie oldie and was relieved when I realised you didn't.

Glad things are ok :laugh:

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One of our labradors passed away quietly one night ...

Holy toledo LL. When I read the above it frightened the c4#p out of me. Until I read the next bit ....

...2 years ago.

That's still sad, but I was thinking you meant your goldie oldie and was relieved when I realised you didn't.

Glad things are ok :laugh:

Thanks Erny. Cracker remains well. Kelpie-i, about 4 months ago Cracker had a health crisis. Our vet was organised to come to the house, to let her go. The next day she woke up seemingly looking better, so I delayed another 48 hours. My husband had taken 2 days off work. Dear man. Cracker on the reschuled day, looked 75% better. My husband thought I was being selfish, delaying the unevitable.

Hopefully Bud will bounce back like Cracker. We were at the Murray River a couple of weeks ago, Cracker would jump in and float away. She had enough common sense to stay near the banks. Cracker growed at my husband, when he tried to retrieve her, after she had been swimming for nearly an hour. How I laughed!!!!

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LL, yes we were extremely concerned. He wasn't well at all and especially since he's already on the thin side, I was extremely worried after all those days without any food and his lethargy, but hopefully he will keep getting better as the days go by.

I am really sorry to hear about your lab who went over the rainbow bridge a couple years ago. If you don't mind me asking, what did he or she pass away from?

Next thing you'll know you'll be back on this board asking for help to stop Bud from barkin' at the fence . Go Buddy boy! .

Hmmmm, know of any good dog trainers? :laugh:

He hasn't barked again, just that once in the morning but it was better than nothing I suppose. He is normally at the fence a few times a day checking on what the magpies are doing and more recently, what the chickens are doing.

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