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Is Advocate Adequate For Control Of Worms?


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Does anyone know if using advocate once a month is enough to treat/control worms or if a separate worming tablet is best?

It says:

"Complete all in one treatment for dogs. Treatment and prevention of fleas (flea life cycle). Heartworm prevention. Treatment and control of roundworm, whipworm, hookworm, generalised demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, ear mites and lice."

Im not sure if my dog has worms but I noticed some clear gooey stuff stuck to her poo. But she's not exhibiting any other signs of worms like weight loss or increased appetite. She does lick her bottom a fair bit.

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Advocate doesn't cover tapeworm. Personally I don't give monthly treatments because I don't believe in treating a dog for something that it probably doesn't have, but like everything it's a matter of personal choice. I worm 3 or 4 times a year and use Advantage if and when I find a flea which isn't very often as I haven't had any fleas here for three years now. None of my dogs have ear mites or lice and the chances of them developing demodicosis or sarcoptic mange are minimal at best.

Droncit is the usual treatment for tapeworm, as your dog doesn't have fleas the chances of him picking up tape are greatly reduced so treating him a couple of times a year should be adequate.

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Just a small note. About three years ago we got a cat from the RSPCA. He was riddled with worms. I got some drontal and put on Advocate and thought that he would be fine (by the way the worms were small - about the size of an uncooked grain of rice - so not tape worms). I thought he'd be all good in 24 hours. 24 hours later there was no improvement. 48 hours there was no improvement. I took him to the vet who said that advocate was okay for most worms, but as a preventative only - it does not cure an infestation (so to speak) and Drontal wasn't specific enough. She gave him an other worming tablet and all was good by his next motion.

We use advocate on our two cats and dog and every six months I pick up a worming tablet from the vet - just in case and in between keep an eye on them.

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One more question - if I treat my dog for fleas with advocate in a particular month and she is due for a worming treatment in that same month (assuming I treat her every 3 months) do I still need to do the worming treatment if Ive already used adovcate? Anyone know? Thanks!

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I used to use it but stopped and changed protocols when my vet said it doesn't control hyatid (sp) - the one worm I'm really afraid of!

Also,I don't treat fleas in winter (not a problem here at that time) but I do wrom him, so I don't like advocate because you have to keep up with the chemicals even when it isn't needed.

If you are going to continue using it, you need to include an all-wormer like drontol too.

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