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Schedules/rate Of Reinforcement


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Leg lifting drive - 10/10 under any circumstances :rofl::) I actually use this as a reward after some good training efforts at the park :rofl:

Leg lifting when training????

No :rofl: At the completion of his training session I make sure he is working really, really well and then release him to do 'bucking broncos' and sniff and pee. It's the same when I practice informal recalls....come, praise or treat, then release. Repeat 6-8 times per free run. Does that make sense?

Interesting your comment, reminded me......in retrieving training, this may be seen as as form LACK OF EFFORT/obedience trainers call it shut down/delay tactics, versus the teaching phase when more positive is required.

Would you mind expanding on this please LL? I've focused heavily on food training as that is what comes naturally to Zig but I'd like to expand his motivational repertoire....I think! For his formal obedience retrieve I teach it using food as well. Lots to ponder.

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Erny, good for you.

Spotted devil, as you are know I positive train as much as possible. I think I have good to excellent timing etc etc etc. But.......from time to time, my dogs, (like human beings) simply display lack of effort.

I feel from time to time LACK OF EFFORT needs other reinforcements. Depending on the dog and concept/drill or simple exercise I am training......strong or mild corrections may be applied.

In retrieving circles we expect our dogs to be free on marks/seen retrieves....and on blinds under our control. It certainly takes balanced training.

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