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Swelled Vulva? Is It Called The Vulva?


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I just noticed that her girl bits are all swollen? any suggestions why? (I haven't ever noticed it on another bitch like she has) she finished her seeason a couple of weeks ago before I got her

Edited by paddles
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I've had her a fortnight (No boys got at her) she was still swollen from her season when she came here, but appears to have enlarged more today. She is 5 weeks since the start of her season. (I think) I was wondering if the heat could have caused it.

no sign of a bite, she's not scratching, or appearing in any way uncomfortable. there is no discharge that I can see

from internet research (Oh the folly!) she looks like a bitch going into season (But She came from a breeder who knows a lot more than me!)

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Phantom pregnancy- or ... way out in left field- and only thought of because of the timing- about 6 weeks after being in season... pyometra ??? Not a nice suggestion- but the timing is about right...

Hopefully it's just vulvitis or a burst of hormones... :rolleyes:

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Twice I have brought entire bitches in to my home that have come in to season within two weeks even though they weren't due for some time. So hopefully it's nothing sinister! Definitely whisk her to the vets, if you think it's smelly though I would probably hunt around for a 24 hr clinic now 'just in case'.

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Twice I have brought entire bitches in to my home that have come in to season within two weeks even though they weren't due for some time. So hopefully it's nothing sinister! Definitely whisk her to the vets, if you think it's smelly though I would probably hunt around for a 24 hr clinic now 'just in case'.

within a month?

No 24hr clinics around here (I'm in country victoria) and unless I'm certain that it's a life or death situation, I can't justify taking her in for an emergency visit.

I'll ring the vet first thing, and undoubtly get an appointment in the morning (I spoke to the vet about her 2 days ago)

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Might have been a split season.

Have you spoken to the person you got the dog from?

NOt yet, I noticed it quite late last night, and felt it was too late to ring her, I'll ring her after I have been tothe vet, so that I have some info for her, since she can't see her, and making diagnosis over the phone could be dangerous.

Having said that, I emailed and rang her when I noticed her vulva was swelling again, but with no discharge, she was not concerned. I even went past the vets with her on monday and had the nurse check to see if she needed to see the vet, but same thing, no discharge, she's just looks like she's in/was in season. I've never had any experiance with bitches seasons etc. (Sophie came to me on the grounds that as soon as possible I would desex her, she's booked in for the first week of march.)

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how is it that the ones you want to come in never come in and the ones you dont, do :rofl:

Aint it the truth. :rofl:

Tell me about it, Sophies breeder saidd the same thing, she's waiting for a bitch to come in season... waiting waiting waiting....

Tell me one thing tho, do bitches in season loose thier appetite? Change thier behaviour etc?

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Awww really?

Mine was a total sweetie!

Didn't get walked the whole time she was on heat and never seemed restless or bored, didn't make much of a mess and cleaned herself well, was just a even cuddlier, even lazier version of her normal self :thumbsup:

I guess they're all vastly different, hehe :banghead: x

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