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Please Review How I Am Handling Chelsea.


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When she's gotten a bit playful with Shmoo and Mike we've attempted to get her involved in a game a couple of times but mostly it's just freaked her out or put her off. Often you can tell she'd really love to approach them or have a game/pat with them but she's just too scared to. She'd even relax around them and get all bouncy and start wagging her tail occasionally, but she still never approaches them - for fear something will happen to her if she does I guess. The only person she's really warmed up to and had cuddles with was my aunt who's 4"9 so I think height must be a big factor for her, and gender.

ETA: Sorry, we haven't tried really tasty foods, we will next time.

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I wouldnt be taking internet advice this dog definately needs a professional to assess whats happening. Its been 2 years and chopping and changing methods, trying this, trying that will either keep the dog at the same level, desensitise it to potential progress or make it worst.

For this degree of behavior as well you should not go self prescribing herbal remedies. She may and probably would benefit from proper pharmeceuticals if you can keep up with the training that goes with it. I dont like medicating dogs but a problem that makes little progress in 2 years needs something more. Dont bother with a vet, use it in conjunction with a behaviorist or find a good veterinary behaviorist.

It's either walk her or make no progress. In the house when Josie and her Mum are around she won't come to me & I make no progress. I can't kick them out of their house. It's josies dog but I'd be 100% against medicating in this situation.

Not saying to kick them out but ignore the dog. Why do you have to make progress as in have the dog make physical contact with you at all? Maybe you are causing more stress by trying? As for you being 100% against medicating dont let your personal thoughts stand in the way of potential progress for this dog. The long road is not always the kindest for the dog especially if its a fear based problem. Once again, a professional needs to be called in or just accept all the dogs quirks and let her live in a semi-wild state in the house/backyard.

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Well, Michael didn't actually start the thread seeking advice on treating her, he requested advice or feedback on how he'd been handling her.

I wasn't planning on self medicating either, I'm not that irresponsible - I simply asked whether rescue remedy would be beneficial and didn't receive a response.

Anyway, as I said I'll try to arrange a session for her with Steve.


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Iltby without viewing the dogs body language it can be difficult to make a review. If you guys could make some videos adn pop them on youtube that would make it easier - then we could pick it to death :love: no but honestly when people write, they write their perception NO what is actually happening. We all do it its human nature.

As for self medicating I meant with herbs. Rescue remedy will do little for this dog and i wouldnt start anything at all that works to reduce stress until she's been properly assessed.

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Here you go, pretty appalling quality but you can get the idea. This is how she acts when Dad's coming to the door. Excuse Scarlet's wooing :rofl: -


Will take another few when he's left :rofl:

It could very well be a case of misinterpretation, as I said earlier I really struggle to understand what's going on in her mind.

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No, that's just as long as my phone will record for. Will have a go with the 40D tomorrow.

ETA: Wasn't there for you to determine anything though, just to give an example of her behaviour.

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