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Hot Spots


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I always used to clip the area.. saline bathe.. apply betadine.

Some people recommend using one of those powders containing zinc.. curash?

if the spots get mucky.. or start spreading- antibiotics are needed.

avoid grains & sugars in diet.. keep dog/s cool.

It is a bacterial infection.. is painful.. and can lead to a fever if there is a large patch, or several.

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I saw a vet about this yesterday - her recommendation was to

clip the area back to healthy skin,

apply hydrogen peroxide to the hot spot and then

scrub with a face cloth to remove the crusty top

then apply undiluted Betadine to the spot.

Do this for 3 days.

She also suggested antibiotics.

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My Kees boy Im showing came up with a hotspot too! Must be this weather. Right on top of his head! I can tell you now, I sure as hell wont be clipping it back, I pulled out as much scab as I could, and will be drying it out with Curash. Hope the bald spot isnt obvious, he is entered in a lot of shows in Feb!!

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Cut the hairs that are close to the wound, so that they can't irritate it, and wash with Pyohex shampoo, dry with paper towel and repeat this every second day for a period of 7 days and that's it! You could use Pyohex lotion if you want instead - much of a muchness.

Friend who is a vet, has a colleague that owns two Goldie's that are really prone to hot spots and this is the best form of treatment she has used! :thumbsup:

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apply hydrogen peroxide to the hot spot and then

scrub with a face cloth to remove the crusty top

Yowch :thumbsup:

and who holds the dog ?:confused:

I much prefer to use saline solution.. doesn't sting.. and won't BLEACH hair :crazy:

At our vets we would never scrub a hotspot unless the dog was anaesthetised. it hurts!!

I also would not use a germy facecloth... rather some sterile gauze

Seems it's a bit like feeding your dog- what works, and what you're happy with :thumbsup:

Nasty things, anyhow.. Mum's poor old golden ret x used to get shockers :thumbsup:

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I saw a vet about this yesterday - her recommendation was to

clip the area back to healthy skin,

apply hydrogen peroxide to the hot spot and then

scrub with a face cloth to remove the crusty top

then apply undiluted Betadine to the spot.

Do this for 3 days.

She also suggested antibiotics.

Holy shit.

That'd hurt like hell.

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Sus, do I just add the shampoo with a bit of water and lather?

Also can some one tell me if Curash is the same as Johnson’s baby powder?

Yes - dilute a 10c piece sized droplet in about 50-70 mls of water for the Pyohex!

NO - Curash is a zinc powder with no additives, where as Johnsons is Talc & Fragrances. I have used Curash before, along with betadine to clean - but this forms a crust and doesn't breath like using the pyohex, as well it does not seem to sting Benson like the Betadine did - that's why I prefer the pyohex method I learn't not long ago!

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I still swear by Living Nature Rescue Gel (used to be called Manuka Oil and Honey Antiseptic Gel) just because I witnessed the disappearance of a nasty hot spot within 24 hours. I was amazed.

I haven't tried the Curash Powder, haven't had the need to for quite some months now thankfully.

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I still swear by Living Nature Rescue Gel (used to be called Manuka Oil and Honey Antiseptic Gel) just because I witnessed the disappearance of a nasty hot spot within 24 hours. I was amazed.

I haven't tried the Curash Powder, haven't had the need to for quite some months now thankfully.

Just bought some on your recommendation AF - 2 tubes, actually, as it was free postage...one for us and one for the dog :thumbsup: Zig got a couple of very small spots on his back - I suspect I didn't dry him down properly.....silly me :thumbsup: I've just got it in the mail and whacked a bit on. Will be very interested to see how it goes!

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I still swear by Living Nature Rescue Gel (used to be called Manuka Oil and Honey Antiseptic Gel) just because I witnessed the disappearance of a nasty hot spot within 24 hours. I was amazed.

I haven't tried the Curash Powder, haven't had the need to for quite some months now thankfully.

Just bought some on your recommendation AF - 2 tubes, actually, as it was free postage...one for us and one for the dog :rofl: Zig got a couple of very small spots on his back - I suspect I didn't dry him down properly.....silly me :eek: I've just got it in the mail and whacked a bit on. Will be very interested to see how it goes!

Yes I use it for human use too!

Let us know how it goes with Zig! :(

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I belong to 5 differnt golden retreiver forums here in the states and probably 75% of the goldies have had a hot spot at least once, most get them once or twice a year. My old golden only ever had one hot spot in his 12 yrs. One had a few when he was younger, and one got them twice a year. We knew she was allergic to live oak and pine pollen---2 pine trees in frony yard, live oaks all aouund us. She was also allergic to bermuda grass, mold spores and fleas. Ant of these could cause her to develope a hot spot. Other 2 goldens never got a single one.

On all the golden forums, everyone keeps Gold Bond Powder in their dog's first aid kit. It is a must for hot spots. We do clip the hair back. Some clean with peroxide (my vets choice) some use tge amber color Listerine Mouth Ewash. Make sure it is dry before applyig any kind of powder. By the way, in case you do not have gold Bond Powder down trhere, it is used for athletes foot.

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Haven't had a hot spot in my current pack of dogs, but used to have an old girl who was prone to them, being allergic to legumes, both ingested & also contact with plants like clover. I never bothered to clip back the hair but would whack on some Neocort ointment 2x daily for a couple of days!

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