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Dog Afraid Of Clicker


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We have a 10 month old terrier that we have always wanted to try clicker training with. Unfortunately she is scared by the noise of the clicker! We first tried when she was a few months old and have tried a few times since, including today. She runs away before I am able to give her a treat and can't be lured back. She isn't a timid dog so I'm really surprised by her reaction.

I'm not sure whether to perservere with it? It is quite a loud click so was thinking about trying an i-clicker although I don't know whether they sound very different. :laugh:

Has anybody else had this problem and any suggestions how to solve it?

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I have only ever used an i-clicker :laugh: It would be well worth a try as it is a softer sound.......perhaps even wrap it in a towel or similar to dull the noise to begin with. Or you could simply use a verbal marker instead. Personally I like the clicker as I can add in a bridge word/encouragement/NRM without any chance of confusion. Plus Zig gets excited when he sees the clicker comes out and seems to understand that it's time to try something new!

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I'm sure some of the clicker trainers will have ideas for you on how to get the dog used to the clicker.

But my advise would be to just use a verbal marker in the same way you would use a clicker. :laugh:

I do use 'yes' (when I remember). I'm a real novice at training and thought a clicker would be a good tool for us both.

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The i-click is much quieter and worth a try. Or maybe even one of those pens with the clicking lid.

Or certainly a verbal marker works well too :laugh:

I use both a clicker and a verbal marker. Generally I use the clicker to teach a new behaviour, and use the verbal marker once it is well established.

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i_clickers are much softer than the big sqaure ones.

clik-r clickers are a little softer again.

You know what I'd do...don't make a big deal of the clicker.

Don't start using it as part of a training session or even with the goal of a serious charging session.

While you are sitting on the couch and dog is occupied with something else, click and throw the food to the dog. Don't try to lure the dog to you.

Wait a minute and click again. Throw the food to the dog.

Repeat until the dog glances at you when it hears the click. Ten throw the food 3/4 of the way to the dog.

Coninue and build slowly until the dog is getting the treat at your feet. By this stage is should be associating the clicker with good things!

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Depending on your clicker, you can stuff some cotton in there to soften the sound. I had a terrier that was also scared of the clicker...I ended up using a ball point pen that you can 'click' as the trigger....very quiet sound and worked..doesn't matter what your trigger is...just find something that the dog doesn't jump everytime you are trying to find that special shaping point.

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Benson hates the clicker. He would sympathise with the brave terrier. They could hide under the bed and have a sook together, cos that's what my big man does when I click. I thought I'd broke him the first time I tried the clicker...I clicked and went to hand him a treat and my fingers met air where his head had been......I found him under the bed, not coming out for love nor money (nor treats) as long as that nasty clicky thing was in sight.

Benson is a big, outgoing, friendly boy who isn't really scared of much (except sheep and cars with signs on top....and clickers). I just use the word "Yes" now in place of a click.

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If you have one of the more common rectangular box type, you can make a volume control yourself by drilling a hole in the back and inserting a short screw. The tighter the screw goes in, the more the sound 'lessens' if that makes sense.

Karen Pryor also has a 'clicker plus' where you can program your own individual sound - it has a choice of 'click, chirp, ping or trill'.

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Thanks for all the great suggestions.

I have a found a clicker pen and tried a few clicks and tossed treats this morning. She was still cautious but at least didn't run away quivering like she did yesterday.

I will try this for a few days and see if we make any progress. Hopefully she'll get over her teenage angst and not have to join Benson under the bed. :)

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Guest belgian.blue

I'm going to start my dog on clicker training. My mum has an old school clicker from the dalmatian days so I'm going to try her on that.

Could anyone please recommend some imformative websites on clicker training or is there a DOLer that can give me some basics to begin with?

Also does anyone use a mouth whistle for recall?

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I'm going to start my dog on clicker training. My mum has an old school clicker from the dalmatian days so I'm going to try her on that.

Could anyone please recommend some imformative websites on clicker training or is there a DOLer that can give me some basics to begin with?

Also does anyone use a mouth whistle for recall?


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Guest belgian.blue
I'm going to start my dog on clicker training. My mum has an old school clicker from the dalmatian days so I'm going to try her on that.

Could anyone please recommend some imformative websites on clicker training or is there a DOLer that can give me some basics to begin with?

Also does anyone use a mouth whistle for recall?


Thanks .. I googled but this one didn't pop up :thumbsup:

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