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Going Nuts When Someone Leaves


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hey all, a lady who has a pup off mine says she got absolutely nutty when anyone leaves, this is not a bark bark thing, more of a jumping, shrilly barking, beside herself off the wall behavior.

Shes tried to put her in another room, but the pup goes mental cos she knows. she is crate trained but when she leaves for work (even if someone else is there) the dog will go nuts.

When they see visitors out, she goes nuts as well. Even when her owner is standing with her, shes just wanting to go as well.

have seen the behavior and i have no idea what to suggest, for mine i squirt water, and they calm down, i dont think it was successful in this case.

Shes tried doing the treat thing, (reward good behaviour etc) and shes tried ignore, but it all seems to be no use.

Does anyone have anything that might possibly help?

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