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So I have this stuff sitting on my desk - it's a CD designed to play music (duh!) that will calm your dog or relieve stress... another that is to help with the 'recovery' process after an injury or surgery.....

Anyone believe in it? Do you think it would work?

I don't think it's meant to actually hypmotise the dogs, but the music is supposed to be 'calming'... which I guess is similar to us listening to calming music.

99% of me says 'nope, no way' but interested to hear your thoughts....

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I have used the "Canine Lullaby" CD on two pups and one dog. I know of two other people who have also used it. One on a pup. Another on a young dog. So far, the CD has worked a treat on all pups and one of the older dogs. It has made a bit of a difference (but not complete) on the young dog.

One exception. My pup. Didn't do a dang thing.

But overall, I think it works. This CD has the sound of a human heart (amplified) beating in the background to the music. Gets on my nerves after a while. But the pups seem to go soundo to it.

I don't believe it is hypnosis. Just soothing and relaxing.

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I agree erny - I don't believe in hypnosis either.

I don't think that it would work in the sense that your timid dog will magically become calmer - but I do believe it would help, say.... if you were moving to a new house or had just re-homed a pet etc.

Not sure about the health one though -ie: offering 'recovery' from injury etc...

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