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Biting Game By 7 Month Old


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As hard as it is to hear criticism, I will accept it. I agree, I have been slack and I have obviously let him down by this. Starting from today, I will up the training. You are 100% correct (even if my face is burning).

I don't believe that he doesn't respect humans, his behaviour of biting happens infrequently. If it was happening all the time I would be more concerned. It happens on a rare basis - in the morning and for about 2 mins. (He quickly loses interest when I ignore him or he just stops.)

With regards to getting another Field, that is not happening for a while yet, if at all. (At the moment, I am not 100% sure that I can protect the pup from Henschke - with regards to over exercise and play and I will not put a pup in that situation, if any chance to damage his hips or other bones.) Also, if I had a dog that was 'out of control', I would definitely not be getting another dog until all problems were sorted and the current dog was 100% perfect...

He's no longer confined inside - he's been accessing in/out doors for a month now and all is going well. (He has access through a doggy door.)

I've probably made him sound worse than he actually is! :laugh: For a 7 month old, he's actually very good.

Thanks for all of your replies, I appreciate it, will take it on board and will change my interaction with him.

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As hard as it is to hear criticism, I will accept it.

From anything I have said, Poochmad, it wasn't "criticism". More a 'I implore you to get on top of this now' ..... probably because of my work I see how so much of this behaviour escalates to other things.

So please don't be shame-faced about it. You enquired here. You know it is a problem. You want to do something about it. That's a great start. Ya just need to get on to it lickity split :laugh:.

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As hard as it is to hear criticism, I will accept it.

From anything I have said, Poochmad, it wasn't "criticism". More a 'I implore you to get on top of this now' ..... probably because of my work I see how so much of this behaviour escalates to other things.

So please don't be shame-faced about it. You enquired here. You know it is a problem. You want to do something about it. That's a great start. Ya just need to get on to it lickity split :laugh:.

My response just lumped all comments together. :laugh:

(It's always hard to hear negative things about what you've done or haven't done. I was just agreeing.)

I acknowledge your experience and will definitely go home tonight and start immediately.

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My response just lumped all comments together. :laugh:

(It's always hard to hear negative things about what you've done or haven't done. I was just agreeing.)

I acknowledge your experience and will definitely go home tonight and start immediately.

PM me if you want, PoochMad.

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i was having a couple of issues with Daire - nothing really bad but more annoying.

I am lucky that i have a couple of friends who are trained dog trainers.

I let one of them correct him when we were out and then when i got home continued with the corrections as htey had done

Daire responded VERY well to the corrections, so now i just keep doing it and have taught my hubby to do it too and the issues we had are going away

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i haz falva, can you tell us what the correction is? cheers. :thumbsup:

When i see him doing something wrong, i yell out NO, then i go out to him and grab Daire, scruff him i suppose you would call it, then hold him by his muzzle and growl at him, i hold him till he squirms as it means he cares about being told off (this is what i have been told)

He has stopped doing 2 of the things he was with this method.

Daire is not head shy and has never been so i have no problem using this method.

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poochmad... you love your boy, and will ride out his probs :rofl: As erny said... some of us have seen the worse-case scenarios... and would hate it to happen with you and henschke !

Dogs are sent to try us !! :rofl:

Thanks Persephone, you just brought a tear to my eye. I do love our boy...never fear, we would not let it escalate to that point. At the moment, I don't believe I need to get a trainer in as he is just trying it on...

I had a stop and re-think yesterday about all the things I've been doing and all the things I haven't been doing. One of these is not making Henschke move when I walk past (I was stepping over him) and giving him tidbits while eating dinner or breakfast.

These have been stopped immediately and I know it sounds weird, but this morning he gave a half hearted attempt to jump and like Erny said, I corrected him sharply before he acted and he immediately stopped...and hark! he didn't come near me again...

I'm not getting too excited at this stage as this is only the first time, but he's a smart dog and I'm determined to get him back on track so I'm sure all will be well soon.

For example this morning I acted on what everyone has advised:

He's got a habit of grabbing the cushions off the couch as soon as backs are turned and I realised that he was doing this as an attention thing (everyone would chase him and of course it turned into a game), so this time when he did it, I ignored him. He shook the cushion, he pranced around and he would come near me with the cushion in his mouth looking pleased as punch. Each time I completely ignored him. After a little while, he dropped the cushion (and I had a treat) and he came over, sat before me and looked expectantly. I made him drop and sit twice (continuously) before he got the treat.

I now realise that my slackness has created disharmony with Henschke and to have a well mannered and happy dog, I need to continue training him, make sure he knows his position in the family (the lowest) and keep him there.

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Oh boy I feel your pain. This morning I had to teach a bunch of kids that pushing the pup away or simply throwing him a toy AFTER he bites was only rewarding him. Eventually one of them decided to take on a sit/down/off/take it routine BEFORE throwing a toy and BEFORE biting. Made the little bugger work for it and needless to say - biting was stopped and he's now asleep!! :rofl:

Sure is exhausting :rofl:

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I feel your pain too. I think it is very difficult to discipline pups where kids are involved, they all hype each other up.

I have a couple of gundogs and can only relate to you how we have coped with the mouthing.

The spinone was never a mouther but needs to have a toy in her mouth at all times to be content :rofl:

The viz was a BIG mouther and we stopped it when she was about 4 months old, simply by being very consitent (and vigilant ALL the time, can't get away with it even once) at all times. They hopefully soon learn that mouthing is a no no. It appears your dog may have certain time that he is naughty? So did ours, so first thing in the morning, silly dog time!!! I would take her out and play play play and get the sillies over with (she was rather young at this stage). She was not receptive at all to preventative stuff while she was in a hyper mood, and of course, after a long nights sleep, she was very active.

In this manner she never actually got in the habit of biting and mouthing but will grab a hand and walk along with you :mad SO, we then just said TOY every time she looked like mouthing and voila!!! her habit became grabbing a toy to greet everyone, even the cats :cry::rofl: I'm not a trainer by any stretch, but for me the important part is that the dog does not get into a bad habit, so whatever it takes, distraction, wear them out, train train train.

I wish you all the best, :rofl: It's very hard work!!!

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(It's always hard to hear negative things about what you've done or haven't done. I was just agreeing.)

I acknowledge your experience and will definitely go home tonight and start immediately.

And whenever you're having doubts or feeling depressed about your ability as an owner/trainer, reread this thread. :mad

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