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My Little Brag For The.... Century


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I'm not sure how many of you remember Zero but long story short, he's a rescue that came to me with a lot of problems (he was afraid of everything, dog aggressive and unsocialised after being abused and neglected by his old owners), the worst of which was his dog aggression which got to the point where i couldn't control him if he saw another dog. We went out to see Steve at K9 Force and got help about 6 months ago - and so now Zero is able to be around other friendly dogs without a problem (even unfriendly ones if they're in a crate or on a short leash) and has even got some doggie friends which he loves to be around.

Today I took Zero out for his walk and we were walking through a park where there are usually quite a few dogs (not a problem, they're all on lead for the most part unless they're training and Zero usually knows them all). I came around the corner and noticed that there was a big brown dog (i think it was a labradoodle, but i haven't really been around them so i can never tell) and some kind of small terrier mix. The brown dog was tied up to the chairs his owner was sitting on and the terrier had a leash on but wasn't tied to anything, but she didn't react when we came around the corner (If small dogs come at him with aggression, he just bowls them over and walks off so I wasn't too worried about it).

The brown dog is jumping all over the place at the sight of Zero so i told him to heel and went to give the dog a wide birth but as i was looking at Zero (he holds eye contact when heeling a lot of the time), the owner swore and all i could see was this massive wooly dog running at us growling. Zero growled back (and i must admit i thought "oh crap - that brown dog's going to get it and Zero's going to get a dangerous dog order out on him") but the brown dog kept coming and went straight for Zero's neck!

Instead of turning and attacking when the dog let go, Zero just skirted out of the way and tried to come back to me, jumping out of the way every time the brown dog came at him again (scariest thing i've seen in a long time!). The owner of the brown dog finally managed to catch him, and was very apologetic (the dog had broken it's leash to get at Zero) but i must admit that i was too happy with Zero's reaction at that point to really listen to him. I just told him to buy a stronger leash (maybe a leather one) and off we walked, with Zero still in heel! Then somehow the guys loses control of the terrier and the thing comes after us, trying to bite Zero's thigh and he totally ignored it! I just grabbed the terrier's leash and marched over to the seat, tied the terrier up (the guy was still wrestling with the bigger dog) and off we went.

I'm so proud right now! I can't believe what a good boy Zero was!

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That's an excellent result ..... although have in your mind that any 'trauma' Zero may have felt from the incident might set him back a little - so I'd go back a step or two in your training by going to a place where the environment is controlled (eg. dog school) and work at some distance, just to try to counter balance any lasting memory Zero might have from this recent event. And I'd do this asap.

Edited by Erny
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Yep - already done Erny (I was thinking the same as you)! We did a training session this afternoon in the backyard and then back at the park with a couple of the dogs he knows to walk past, but not very well (mostly keeping his attention on me and walking in heel, doing figure 8s around them). There were a couple of dogs he didn't know too which we asked if we could approach on lead and he didn't have a problem with any of them. Not a growl, not a stare nothing.

I'll repeat the same training over the next couple of days and just make sure that he won't have problems resulting from it but for the moment it looks like we're in the clear.

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Yep - already done Erny (I was thinking the same as you)! We did a training session this afternoon ...and he didn't have a problem with any of them. Not a growl, not a stare nothing.I'll repeat the same training over the next couple of days and just make sure that he won't have problems resulting from it but for the moment it looks like we're in the clear.

Well done :rolleyes:. It's great when you see your prior efforts come to fruition. A real milestone :rofl:.

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Thanks everyone - tomorrow marks the 2nd anniversary of the day i got Zero and he has come so far (behaviour and physical appearance-wise) and i'm really happy with him!

He did get his new duckie today - and wagged his tail at a couple of staffies that were in the store at the same time - so he's happy to lol!

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K9: Although I am thrilled at this story, it doesn't surprise me much, Shell followed the programs with Military precision & the results have come fast for Zero.

She has done the program I designed more than justice, few professionals are pulling these results with dog aggression at Zero's level.

At the Dog Aggression workshop people kept asking me why Zero was there? Had to pick a few jaws up when I told them he was very dog aggressive not so long ago.

His behaviour was faultless with many dogs displaying aggression both around him & toward him.


My hat goes off to you Shell!

Well done...

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