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Go Katie and Ruby - fantastic work :mad .

Cheers :rofl: I haven't felt this excited about teaching something new in ages - probably cos it's been a while since she's learnt something new :cry: I think it's given us both the boost of fun we needed to add to our training. I can't wait to teach her more stuff :rofl:

Good advice from Ptolomy. build it up slowly and praise heavily for the right article brought back to you.


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Hmm I don't think you could ruin her focus if you tried and I am trying as she is becoming much to like her big sister in that regard and I am just wanting her to be a puppy !!!!!!!!!

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Hmm I don't think you could ruin her focus if you tried and I am trying as she is becoming much to like her big sister in that regard and I am just wanting her to be a puppy !!!!!!!!!

Let the poor girl grow up if she wants too!!! :) My last girl was a very mature dog right from the start, she was always soo much more grown up than our older boy (3 years her senior). Whereas Ella is probably going to be stuck somewhere in that adolescent stage for the rest of her life!!!

Ok going out to do another session with her... on the cement cos it's bucketing outside!

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People keeping telling to let her be a puppy Seita. Her focus has been incredible right from the time she first came and its been hard not to over do it as people pointed out to me a lot of my early sessions were too long :) but then they also admitted if they tried that with their pups the pup would have switched off long ago whereas Kenzie was still involved in the session.

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People keeping telling to let her be a puppy Seita. Her focus has been incredible right from the time she first came and its been hard not to over do it as people pointed out to me a lot of my early sessions were too long :) but then they also admitted if they tried that with their pups the pup would have switched off long ago whereas Kenzie was still involved in the session.

I really think it depends on the dog, sure don't bore them but if they're keen to learn and eager to please I say why not have some fun. I do steer clear of doing heaps of heelwork but I used to train Ella 3 times a day (max 3-5 minutes at a time) every day from quite a young age and she's turned out brilliantly. I don't like long sessions either but I quit just as the dog reaches it's peak and then end the session leaving the dog wanting more and if you have a dog with a good long attention span than those sessions will be longer. I think it's different with each dog.

As for my training session... concrete is a major flop - I will not do that again. There was no smelling involved at all and it was just a case of grab bring it back oops mum's ignoring it must be wrong go get a different one. Her sessions on grass over the last day or two haven't been much better... :laugh: I think I'm going to go back to ultra basics with the two articles at a good distance from each other and follow the dogscouts method quite closely... cos she's not smelling the articles, the cans however are very interesting and she smells those instead!!! :o ARGH!

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Ok so the rain cleared and I thought why not try again but on grass. I also used the oldest scented article that I've been using all along (I was using a different one that I hadn't been using as much in my earlier session) with brand new articles that haven't been used very much as the unscenteds. So I started with 3, and she did it 5 times correctly!!! So I added a 4th, which she did correctly twice, so I added a 5th which she did correctly 3 times!!! So I called it a night after that!

She didn't get a single one wrong and the best thing is in the last few she was going to grab them but would hold back just before she grabbed it and sniff instead!!! On the last one she didn't even pick one up until she grabbed the right one and brought it back. I think we may have had that "lightbulb" moment!!!! :) Can you tell I'm stoked?!

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Ok so the rain cleared and I thought why not try again but on grass. I also used the oldest scented article that I've been using all along (I was using a different one that I hadn't been using as much in my earlier session) with brand new articles that haven't been used very much as the unscenteds. So I started with 3, and she did it 5 times correctly!!! So I added a 4th, which she did correctly twice, so I added a 5th which she did correctly 3 times!!! So I called it a night after that!

She didn't get a single one wrong and the best thing is in the last few she was going to grab them but would hold back just before she grabbed it and sniff instead!!! On the last one she didn't even pick one up until she grabbed the right one and brought it back. I think we may have had that "lightbulb" moment!!!! :thumbsup: Can you tell I'm stoked?!

Well done Seita - its hard to describe these light bulb moments - but they are really obvious when they happen and I wish I could bottle them.

Have to say I have helped lots of people with scent and BC's usually take the longest to "get it". No idea why.......

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Well done Seita - its hard to describe these light bulb moments - but they are really obvious when they happen and I wish I could bottle them.

Have to say I have helped lots of people with scent and BC's usually take the longest to "get it". No idea why.......

My "ditzy blonde" of a Labrador took a while!

No offence to blondes out there :thumbsup:

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We followed your most recent instructions, Ptolomy, and did well :D

She successfully found the correct metal and correct wood each time in amongst both metals and woods :rofl:

Hey well done Ruby and Katie of course :laugh:

OK next time ......put out three woods and three metal articles and send her for a scented metal. Take the article and reward if it is correct. Then go and do 10-15 seconds of heeling, so if you were at my place Katie you would walk up to the kennel and back and then send her for a scented wood.

If she brings back to correct wood, tell her she is brilliant, then add 1 more unscented wood and metal to the pile. Take off and do 10-15 seconds of heeling before coming back and sending her for a scented metal. Another 10-15 seconds of heeling before sending her for her scented wood. Then pack the game away........

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