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Socialisation Opportunity


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We found a GREAT socialisation opportunity over the weekend - the Geelong foreshore!

From Smorgys to the main swimming beach we encountered ...

groups of children

other dogs


Harley Davidsons


a little car with carriages that drives on the footpath

high performance cars

people playing football

a HELICOPTER :thumbsup:

boats and engine noise

walking on a pier with water splashing underneath


fish in the water

All this for free ... so if you want to bomb proof your dogs head over to Geelong! All these activities continue with the nice weather and since you can walk up to them even with dogs its a great way to see how well you're training is working :laugh:

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Top idea for a thread Nekhbet!

My recommend for Canberra is either Lake Burley Griffin or Lake Ginninderra. There you get:

Ducks including dead ducks and carp for that all important "leave it" command :thumbsup:

Two large bridges with footpaths near heavy traffic on both lakes

Wooden piers to walk on

The Carillion chimes on Lake Burley Griffin



Bike riders including 3 wheeled rental bikes

Sail riders

Dog walkers


Water plus fish every now and then and fishermen

Fast food outlets and BBQ's on Lake Ginninderra

Family picnics with people playing footy or cricket

Not somewhere to take a dog with major issues obviously, but great for every day socialisation. Plus there are plenty of places to withdraw if your pup needs a break.

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I once had a cyclist scream at Penny when we were walking along the Lake Burly Griffin foreshore. If she'd given me a chance I could have called Penny off the road as she knows what that means, but the cyclist started screaming when she was still 50 metres away and the very act of screaming prompted Penny to freeze instead of continuing to cross the bike path and the cyclist nearly hit her. I swear, if she'd done nothing Penny would have been out of her way by the time she got to us.

Otherwise, I found swans with cygnets was a good lesson for Penny! She loves chasing coots into the water, but when she tried it on the swans she decided I was right to advise she leave those ones. I do like it when my dog decides I have good advice. :rofl:

Campbell Park in Canberra is a sure bet for kangaroos and usually sheep. There are loads of hares and foxes as well.

Around here we like the Pleasure Grounds down at Como. There are often other dogs, lots of playing kids, bbqs and picnics, the river, boats, and the cafe on the waterfront lets you sit outside with the dogs so there are always heaps of pups practising being good. We've had a number of people come up to us down there and ask for their kids to pat our dogs.

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In Sydney's west you can go to the markets at Windsor mall on a sunday. It si near the river which is full of waterskiers and people and a park around there.

I have a Border Collie pup and at Christmas I took her up to the school party which had crowds, rides, cap guns, etc.

At Christmas I took her up to see it all plus stayed around for the fireworks. As she was only 13 weeks old I wanted to take her out and experience all kinds of things while she was young.

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For those in Melbourne Williamstown is also a great place to head to ... a lot of cafes (especially the chocolate cafe :mad ) are dog friendly, the bike clubs congregate on the foreshore with their big bikes, there are kids, leashed dogs etc so for an arvo stroll its a great idea!

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I took my pup to the farmer's market (there is one at least every week in Melbourne). There were people of all ages, races and sizes, live music, an enclosed petting zoo and all sorts of well behaved dogs on leash (so much safer than a lot of parks if that concerns you).

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I agree, Geelong waterfront is a great spot to socialise. I had a pup here for a little while beginning of last year and that was one of my favorite spots to socialise him, especially when there are events on. You can also teach them to behave at coffee shops at a few places (eg Sheraton and Sailors Rest)

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In Sydney's west you can go to the markets at Windsor mall on a sunday. It si near the river which is full of waterskiers and people and a park around there.

I have a Border Collie pup and at Christmas I took her up to the school party which had crowds, rides, cap guns, etc.

At Christmas I took her up to see it all plus stayed around for the fireworks. As she was only 13 weeks old I wanted to take her out and experience all kinds of things while she was young.

The markets is always a good place as well as football and cricket games as the majority of people are to busy shopping / watching the game to notice you are walking around with a puppy.

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