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Kennel Cough Vaccines


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After thoroughly researching vaccinations I had decided not to vaccinate Hope (nearly 8) and Fox (nearly 7) again. Their last vaccination was in 2005.

However, I really want to join Pet Partners with Fox as therapy work would be so ideal for him and we both love it so much (he is currently a sometime/unofficial therapy dog).

After questioning the organisers of the program on this and sharing some links on the dangers of over vaccinating, they've agreed to a minimum vaccination of Kennel Cough.

Since I work at the local RSPCA shelter in the quarantine dogs section and come into contact with KC just about every week, and my dogs come to work with me (they stay in the car), surely they have developed a natural immunity to it?

They both had KC when I first adopted them from this shelter years ago, but haven't had it since.

Does anyone know of a way I can get out of giving Fox this (pointless, unnecessary, possibly harmful) vaccine?

Or if not, would the inhaled or injected one be less damaging?



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I could only give you my opinion which won't help you in this case but what I would suggest you do is put the question to Dr Jean Dodds who is an American vet and also an authority on vaccinations amongst other things.

You usually get a prompt response from her.

There's a few Dolers here who have her email details - First Time Puppy Owner is the first one that comes to mind.


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I don't know of any "way out" other than perhaps suggesting you'll sign a waver absolving them of any liability/responsibility should your dogs come down with a bout of Canine Cough. It really will be up to them as to what they agree to, and up to you as to whether you will abide by their terms for the sake of joining them, or not.

The CC vaccine supposedly protects the dogs it is administered to, so IMO it is your risk, not theirs. Apart from that, the vaccines available only cover two strains of CC. And it doesn't necessarily prevent CC from being contracted. Just as the human flu vaccine doesn't stop a person getting the flu.

I don't like the live vaccines and a 'discussion' I had with Dr. Jean Dodds convinced me to avoid them.

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I have never regularly gotten the KC vax for my dogs. However on the rare occasion when I needed to board them for a couple of days--once every year or two--I would get the KC vax before hand. However, even with the vax, I had to sign a paper saying that te dg could still come down a strain of KC and they would not be held responsible for the dog getting sick or for treatment.

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Okay, thanks.

I emailed Dr Dodds, and she mentioned that titers ARE available for Bordetella and Parainfluenza, and to ask Vetpath if they offer it (I've sent them an email asking, but don't see it on their website).

She also suggested what you did Erny; to ask if they'll let me sign a waiver, and I've now sent an email off to the Pet Partner's organiser asking about this.

If they don't let me sign a waiver and Australia doesn't do the titres (or if Pet Partners wont allow titres), I guess I'll have to weigh up whether to pay to have the test done by Dr Dodds, or forgo Fox's Therapy Dog assessment. :thumbsup:


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If they don't let me sign a waiver and Australia doesn't do the titres (or if Pet Partners wont allow titres), I guess I'll have to weigh up whether to pay to have the test done by Dr Dodds, or forgo Fox's Therapy Dog assessment. :rofl:

Is it a once off that you have to provide Pet Partners? If it is, then I'd go with getting Dr. Dodds titre testing, assuming it isn't done here, even though I know money doesn't grow on trees. All of this dependant upon whether or not Pet Partners agree to a waiver being signed instead.

I'll be interested to know the response you receive regarding titre testing for CC out here. As far as I was aware, these tests weren't available. So please let us know, if you will.

Edited by Erny
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I do the Pet Partners Delta program with 2 of my dogs.

They want your dogs vaccinated because there are resident dogs or residents own animals that visit - they do not want an unvaccinated dog visiting and potentially spreading disease to those other animals.

Thats the way it works as far as I know.

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I don't think this fight is worth fighting. KC vaccinations help occasionally and to a degree. Likewise flu vaccinations for people. I'm happy to take flu vaccine -- or I was when I was teaching and exposed to a lot of flu. Likewise, I'm happy to pay the price difference between C4 and C5 to hopefully buy a little protection(I run a boarding kennel and live in a kennel zone, so exposure is widespread). I think the fears about vaccines are exaggerated. . . as do the vets I respect. If someone insists on a C5, I'd go the C5. Most of the dogs who come to my kennel are C5'ved and owners report no problems. The only vaccine nightmare I've heard of from clients relates to a pup who nearly died of something akin to distemper from the distemper part of the C3 treatment . . . I allowed that pup to come in with a C1 (parvo only) and a note from a vet to cover my backside . . . but distemper is almost unheard of in Perth, so the risk was trivial).

On the other hand, I've had pups get KC from the inhailed vaccine and much prefer the jab.

If people want to ask questions about vaccines, I don't know why they focus on the KC part and not distemper

What I REALLY worry about is parvo ... .

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Is it a once off that you have to provide Pet Partners? If it is, then I'd go with getting Dr. Dodds titre testing, assuming it isn't done here, even though I know money doesn't grow on trees. All of this dependant upon whether or not Pet Partners agree to a waiver being signed instead.

I'll be interested to know the response you receive regarding titre testing for CC out here. As far as I was aware, these tests weren't available. So please let us know, if you will.

I'm really not sure if its once off or every year or so. I'll have to find out...

When I get a reply regarding the titre testing of CC in Australia, I'll post it here.

If people want to ask questions about vaccines, I don't know why they focus on the KC part and not distemper

What I REALLY worry about is parvo ... .

I'm not worried about any of these at all. Once vaccinated over the age of six months, immunity is for life. Revaccinating doesn't boost immunity at all...



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Just an update...I've been informed that Delta will accept a titre test.

I've emailed Vetpath twice asking if they test for Bordetella, but so far no reply. I intend to ring them later, though I didn't see it on their list of services on the website.

I'm now waiting for confirmation from Pet Partners that I only need to test for Bordetella, then I guess I'll have to organise everything (like having my Vet send a sample off to America).

Our assessment day is on the 28th of February, so hopefully I have time...


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