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Fetching A Ball


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I have a 2yo beagle/lab cross named Fred who I rescued from a refuge last year. He had no training, but is smart and has made great progress, he'll sit, stay, wait for food, walk beside me, come when called, all sorts of things.

One thing i cant seem to get him to do is fetch a ball. He barely has any interest in balls at all, or any other toys for that matter. I can get him to take it, chase it if he's really excited likewhen i first get home from work, or when we go for a walk, but he'll only take it 3 or 4 times then loses interest. I can get him to chase after theball, iput a slit in a tennis ball and stick a bit of schmacko in it and he'll go after it, but wont pick it up. I tried putting the ball in his mouth, walking away, and rewarding him when he brings it to me, but he didn't seem to grasp the association between bringing me the ball and getting a treat.

Anyone have any suggestions?

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There are other games you could play with him... how about teaching him to play hide & seek? or scent games? or excite him enough that he'll play tuggie or something .... I'm sure others will come along with suggestions too.

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I guess it is possible he's not into balls. He doesnt seem to know what toys are for. He has a piece of rope with knots on, a rubber ring, couple of balls, stuffed toy duck, but doesnt play with any. He'll grab the toy duck if i put it on top of his kennel, just to get rid of it. If i hold it and sort of whack him around the face with it to make him want to grab it, he just looks at me with that "what ARE you doing?" look.

I can get him to tug on a sock if i shake it around his head, but even that only briefly.

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Maybe you need to appeal to the beagle in him and make the toys smell yummy?

Tried that too, cut a hole in a ball and stuffed it with treats, and a Kong toy, but if he cant get the treats out straight away he gives up. Only way he'll chase a tennis ball is if the Schmacko treat is sticking out. He wont even chase birds at the park!

He will come looking for me if i hide while we're out walking, so thats a kind of hide and seek, but id like to get him interested in toys, if only to keep him occupied, but I just want to be able to play something with him, hence fetch.

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He wont even chase birds at the park!

I'd count that as a good thing :o

My 2 Labs aren't that interested in a ball unless it is another dog's ball and they will chase after it with the other ball crazy dog - maybe rent a dog who is ball crazy for an afternoon to show him the ropes? :mad Recently my 2 started to chase a ball at the park by themselves when I use a squeaky one, so perhaps that's another avenue?

One of my labs (a rescue) doesn't really like toys but recently started playing with the squeaky ball on her own and it was a joy to see! I think she missed out on her puppyhood and never got to learn what play was all about :) (being chained and muzzled in someone's backyard will do that to you :mad)

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My refuge boy (who is about 3ish apparently) is the same. We got him about 7/8 months ago and he has no interest in toys really. He will have a run after the other dog when he is chasing his toys but thats about it. Its like he does not know what toys are so he just ignores them. Socks on the other hand, he certainly knows what they are he thinks us getting ready in the mornings is a great game.

Edited by lizzie
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haha, Same as Fred Lizzie, he'll have a go at my socks in the morning, and trousers! I do encourage him kinda, drape them over his head as he's sitting there, thinks it's great fun.

Maybe i'll try putting a ball in a sock, see if that encourages him. I've been at friends houses who have dogs who play with balls, but he still shows no interest. Only thing he's ever had sufficient interest in that he's picked it up and taken it out the back to chew on, is a paint roller! (un-used) But even that he lost interest in once he realised there wasnt any food in it!

Mostly I want him to be interested in toys so we can have some interactive fun, i know he loves exploring and smelling 9the beagle in him) but it'd be nice to play something WITH him, if that makes sense?

My boy:


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He's not as big as a pure lab, i'd say he's 3/4 of the way between beagle and lab sized. And has a slightly smaller build than a lab as well, though still very strong! I'm 6'4" and if he stops to sniff something while on the lead, he can stop me in my tracks.

Oh and i'm not 100% sure his other half is lab, it's just my educated guess. Clearly beagle though.

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My husky isn't interested in ball games either - I try and play other games with him like getting him to find things and we do a lot of free-shaping with his training so he has to work out what i want him to do to get a click. When the mood strikes him, he likes to play with a squeaky toy but sometimes he just can't be bothered.

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