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Puppy Won't Go On Toilet Area


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Hi all, we're having a toilet training issue with our 11 week old toy poodle.

We pretty much know when he needs to go because we feed him on a schedule, it's first thing in the morning and about 40 minutes after he eats. However, if we take him to the toilet area (it's a few sheets of newspaper in our courtyard), he will not go while we are keeping him on there. On Thursday I tried not letting him off until he went, we ended up waiting there for hours, back and forth between crating him and waiting for him to go. He was whining towards the end of it and definitely looked unhappy. As soon as we let him go to find his own place, he dashed off and immediately squatted, then we grabbed him and put him back on the newspaper and he finished there. This has happened a few more times, but we don't keep him there for that long anymore so he doesn't get too stressed.

It seems like he's not happy to be told where to go, he wants to sniff around to find his own area. His scent is definitely on the toilet area as we've put him there after he starts going elsewhere. We don't scold him or anything, we just say the word 'toilet' in a calm strong voice while he's going and while we are waiting for him to go.

Is this something we just need to be patient with and wait till he 'gets it'? Is there anything else we should be doing?

FYI, he was paper trained by the breeder, but now we want him to go outside for his business.

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If he is happy to go somewhere OFF the paper... then why try and force him to use paper?

Sounds as if he's doing a good job so far :thumbsup:

I feel that maybe grabbing him everytime he toilets may make him unwilling to toilet in front of you....but I may be mistaken,too! :rofl:

Someone wiser than I will come along soon :rofl:

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If he is happy to go somewhere OFF the paper... then why try and force him to use paper?

Forgot to mention, our courtyard is covered in wooden decking, so going anywhere isn't an option for him. Also we live in a townhouse complex and the nearest grass is 5 minutes walk away... when he's older and can control himself better we will take him there on his walks.

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I would be buying a grass toilet pad .Dogs do like to sniff about before going to the toilet ,that is a dog .

Even down the track whilst dogs will hang on forever if can help create UTI infections so pup needs to have a spot that is his to toilet in at any given time without waiting & the same applies when hes older.Dogs cant hang on to suit us .

Whilst our pups start at 6 weeks being paper trained the minute they experience lawn they are off & will hang on to go on the lawn compared to there paper.

Patience will be a virtue & some dogs dont like to pee in front of company so its a fine line between teaching them outside to toilet & using the same spot.

Personally even though hes 11 weeks if the grass is that close i would be taking pup out & teaching it to pee quickly & empty out on the grass.

Whilst pup may have been paper trained with the breeder also most likely experienced grass & used both as toilet spots

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