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Do Pups Have Toilet Training Replases?


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My boxer is 11 weeks old and was toilet trained no accidents from the 2nd week we had him. Now for the last week he is acting strange. He used to be calm at night, now he carries on, he is weeing inside ALOT. He is even weeing when walking :thumbsup: . Im not sure if he was busting because he was walking to the back door. I know he is teething, he is chewing his bone away. But i dont understand this relapse in toilet training, and the carrying on he is doing. He runs around silly. I have tried taking him for a walk but it doesnt help. He gets plenty of exercise in the day too. Im hoping it kind of the terrible 2s or something. He is kind of defying me when i tell him to do something. He wont eat his dinner, he is feed Royal Canine, i add something from what ever i cook for dinner. i.e mashed potato, pasta gravy. It worked at 1st now he still isnt interested. He isnt sick, its just like he turnshis nose upto it.

Is this just a puppy phase?

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relapses in toilet training are normal - don't expect 100% reliable-all-the-time-fail-safe toileting until 6ish months.

Weeing while walking is strange though - perhaps get him checked by the vet for a UTI?

How much is "a lot"?

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Relapses can and do happen, it is part of the learning process for them I guess. ETA- you say he was toilet trained no accidents by 9 (i'm assuming 9 if you got him at 8 weeks?) weeks.. I'd say he was having a few good days up until then. Impossible to 100% TT a pup at that age. We couldn't trust Halle alone in a room without peeing until 22 weeks. She was a dog that only ever weed inside once-when we weren't in the room, and it was at 19 weeks. She never weed inside before that. But it didn't mean she wouldn't if she got the chance.. thats was toilet trained means :laugh:

But it does sound like alot.. I too would pay a visit to the vet, or at least a phone call.

They also enter the first fear period at around this time so he could be a little more anxious/excitable in general..

Edited by Kelpie_Pup
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