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Spot On Flea Treatment Burnt My Dog


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Hi All,

As a regular spot on user for fleas for both dogs and cats I have never had a problem with it until now.

I saved a 5 year old female lab from a backyard breeder 2 years ago and she advised me that the dog reacted to spot on treatments so dont give them to the dog. The dog was obese and kept in disgusting conditions, she used the dog to line her own pockets with money so i thought to myself shes probably never flea treated her in her life!

When she had her intial vet check the vet advised how uncommon it was for dogs to react to spot on flea treatments, so we tried her and it was fine.

2 years later and no problem until now, We treated her 2 weeks ago and I have slowly noticed scabby sores on her since.

Well last night i was giving her nightly belly rub when I noticed something on the back of her neck ( scruff area)

where I had put the spot on has actually burnt her skin! :p The patch is red and inflammed and moist and just gross!

I tried to bath it for her but she wouldnt let me touch it! ( this was 11pm so no vet in the area at that time)

I hadnt noticed it before because her coat so so thick! I feel horrible for not noticing sooner and immediately know i can never use this brand of flea treatment again!

Has anyone ever had something similar happen? Is there an oral flea treatment other than capstar which has to be used very often ( more than usual spot ons) as far as I know!

I was thinking of clipping the fur around the area to give it time to dry and heal properly, and perhaps bathing it in something although its gonna sting!! My younger lab has never a problem with this treatment either.

Please Help! :) :p

Edited by bacismumma
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There is monthly tablets like Sentinal Spectrum which does heart worm, intestinal worms and fleas. Make sure you heartworm test her before starting treatment.

Clip the fur, if there is dying skin take it too a vet. If not, get some Ceterigen (purple spray) from farm or pet supplies and spray it on. You will have a purple dog for a while but it dries wounds well. Pick off any of the hair, icky scabs etc too to help healing.

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"When she had her intial vet check the vet advised how uncommon it was for dogs to react to spot on flea treatments, "

It is very common but most vets wont see it or admit it .

One of the worse is frontline for hot spots/burning

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thats true settrlvr

that or many animals go bananas when its applied. I dont use them at all unless a flea crops up (mums pom brought one down once) and even then I use Capstar tablets. Been here over 12 months, dogs, cats, rats and mice all over the suburb and I dont have a flea problem.

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Molly ( chi/pom) got a hot spot /sore where Advantix had been . She has had many spot ons before but on this particular time it caused a reaction why ?

I clipped the area and found a very infected sore. She was then put on antiboitics and a skin scrub. Took a while to clear up .

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I had two dogs who couldn't cope with on the spot treatments, I'll never forget getting into the shower with one screaming dog in the middle of the night, it was very distressing and had to take him to the vet the next day for help.

After that, I gave them Proban tablets and found that worked brilliantly for both dogs.

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"When she had her intial vet check the vet advised how uncommon it was for dogs to react to spot on flea treatments, "

It is very common but most vets wont see it or admit it .

One of the worse is frontline for hot spots/burning

One of my dogs reacts badly to Frontline, first one I have had that does, but I have seen the reactions in Grooming dogs. I administer flea treatments to a lot of my clients animals at their request, and I had one react so badly one day the Vet and myself were simply gobsmacked.

Any product/ medication etc is capable of causing a reaction.

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