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To Titer Test Or Vaccinate


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I ended up just getting the vacc for Kennel Cough today and am 'buying myself more time'

to find out about this titer stuff. I did have a chat with the Vet and whilst he doesn't do the

Titer testing (or rather hasn't yet) he seemed to be willing to arrange it if that is what I

wanted but he seemed to think it would be a few hundred dollars, or around $80 per.

The clinic's vacc protocol seems to be in line with some association's recommendations

(sorry, name escapes me).

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The cost for my titre will be $118.00, just for parvo and distemper. If I want hep then the blood has to be send to Scotland, so I don't think we will test for that as it is not really a huge issue in dogs.

I paid about $120 nearly two years ago for all three. Results were back from Scotland within a week. He got only 10 for the hep score too I might add.

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Only one vet for quite some way around here and she has told me $240 for all three eg. Parvo, Dist and Hep. Really not sure what I am going to do with my two next year. We run a small boarding kennel so I must know they have immunity, we will accept titre tests from clients as long as they are within the past twelve months. I rang the RSPCA and couldn't get a definate answer on whether titre tests complied with the CoE, they pretty much said it was our call to accept them or not. Suprisingly at $240 for the test we haven't had anyone ask yet if we will accept titre results :thumbsup: .

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