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I have 2 dogs

1 is 12 1/2 years old

they have had the same diet for nearly 12 years , and according the the vet is good healthy dogs , good coat etc

their diet consits of can food ( Pal ) it was introduced right from puppies, so if anyone else had to feed them it would be easier )

I also cook up mince , vegies , rice or pasta , potaotes , pumpkin etc

the above is swapped around during the week

bones - chicken necks , marrow bones etc

treats can range from a schmacko or bonio bones or pig ears

dry dog food

this has been their diet for the last 12 years , and never had this problem

( occasional bed smell )

what I have noticed in the last week or two , is the flatulence in one dog in particular

it is that BAD that we have to walk out the room :)

currently he is sleeping in laundry , and the odour has come through the kitchen and into my pc room

some nights it is that bad I have to get out of bed and leave the room

could this be a underlying problem

why would this be so bad lately when nothing different has changed

he doesnt appear to have any trouble with his bowels , or breath or bad teeth , appears all fine apart from stinking the house out :)

any advice Please , before contacting the vet


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Try adding some yoghurt. In their senior years I would take them off the PAL and have them on something more nutritous. And the treats aswell, Schmackos etc.

I had a Bulldog who used to do super stinky fluffs. The yoghurt really helped.

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I am sorry but I have to agree with the others - get rid of the Pal (that stuff is God awful for producing gas in dogs - once when Ollie was constipated we used Pal puppy food to cure him).

I would also remove the rice and pasta - dogs cannot digest grains so it sits in the digestive system until it is pooped out (another gas causing agent).

Potato is not that good either (sorry, don't mean to pick on your dogs diet as it has worked for you up until now).

Pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, sweet potato, beans etc are great with meat (I prefer to use real meat, not that pet mince stuff - we use human grade and often organic meats for our old boy).

There may even be an underlying gut problem, try giving chicken and some light veges for a few days, along with some yoghurt and or cottage cheese (couple of tablespoons) with flaxseed oil (just a teaspoon) - all good gut things to help with an upset tummy.

If it persists and it is unusual for the dog to smell that bad, I would consider a trip to the vets for a check up.

Good luck - they can be smelly can't they :laugh:

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the reason I notice it because they have never smelt this bad in all the years with what they been haveing

Yes I knew after joining DOL , and hearing about Pal , that it wasnt the best , but as they were settled on it along with home cooked , and vet said they were healthy etc , we kept to this diet

even with christmas times , the extra meant in house , doesnt get given to dogs

Will get them back on yoghurt , as they both dont have a problem eating the plain one

Schnackos they only have 1 strip at a time , which is probally once a week or more than a week

I did find out how salty they were after a thread when Tara stole a few packets and ate them

Yes puggy puppy , we did stil use it , as mentioned , but also made sure I had home cooked as main diet

No ,, you not picking on their diets :laugh:

as mentioned it appearfs to have been fine for them ,

but also thought myself as they are seniors , maybe it was the diet , hence my asking advice here

I have at times given fresh chicken mince ( pet quality)

and other times also cooked it upwith vegies

the other mince is always human quality

I also started to think maybe as they getting older , a gut problem would be starting to occur

Tara is the one who normally can have a dicky tummy , she had that from a puppy when she had a egocola ? problem

well its, bad enough for me to walk out the room :love:

Sam is due for his annual checkup in the next month , so will definately talk to vet about it also , if he doesnt become "sweeter" smelling

appreciate the advice , knew I could count on the advice

Thank you

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I have nothing constructive to add, just i feel your pain.. My dad and I had Gherky in the car this morning and she let one rip, and had dad dry retching :laugh:


oh , yes I can relate to that lol

my brother had a dog once that would come and sit by someone on the couch , then do a silent one , everyone could smell it, and then the dog got up and walked out the room :eek:

I had forgotten about the Charcoal , I know we sold them in chemist shop

will check for the dog biscuits ones

Thank you :o

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