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Please Advise Me...


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Just thought I should update everyone who has offered me advice on this thread.

Unfortunately, we made the decision to return Rusty to the AAPS shelter today, it was one of the hardest things we've ever done, but we had been thinking about it all week, non-stop, and we stand by our decision. Basically, it was through no fault of his own that Rusty got returned, we simply decided that we preferred a single-dog household and missed how things were before. Of course we wish we didn't make this mistake at Rusty's expense.

I'm happy to let you know though, that we have been informed that only 30 mins after we returned him, he was re-adopted by a lovely family, and they were appreciative of some positive notes I had left about Rusty. I know it's selfish, but even though we do still feel terribly guilty, it does make us feel better, that maybe his time here wasn't wasted if we helped persuade another family to take him. Hopefully it will be his 'forever home' and he will be a very happy boy. We will continue to follow his progress, and if he happens to be returned (of course we hope not), then we will do everything we can to help him find another home. He certainly is a lovely boy, that would make a very loyal companion.

I hope you can all understand, and thanks again for your initial advice.

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I think you did the right thing in returning Rusty when you could see it was not right for you guys. There's no law that says you have to stick with a dog when you take them on, and there's a lot to be said for being sensible about what will make your family run like clockwork. I'm very glad to hear that Rusty so quickly found a family that might be better suited to him.

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Hey persephone, I thought she might miss him for a while too, but I think we did a good thing taking her with us when we returned Rusty, it's almost like she understood it as though he was 'just visiting', and she's reverted immediately back to her old self, playful and constantly interactive with us. Wheras I think if we had left her at home, she would have been looking for him when we returned, and been a bit confused pehaps?

It's actually been much easier for her than I expected, I think she may have been slightly stressed (albeit excited) while he was here, and while I realise it was only early and that most probably would have changed anyway, she seemed to relax almost immediately, so it's good all round I guess.

We definitely learned from this experience and I don't think we are strong enough to ever put ourselves, or more importantly, a dog, through that again.

Thanks again everyone. :mad

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