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Feeding Carrots To Dogs


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Not sure of the nutritional value but I have been giving my dogs carrots since they were pups, great cold to chew on when teething and not as fattening as bones, didn't want an over weight puppy. Also good as a treat and keeps the weight of a working dog. My new puppy loves them too. Too true about the orange poo, can always tell whenthe have had carrots.

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I have heard that the only way a dog can get the nutrition from a carrot is if the carrot is pulverised. Apparently they are very good for dogs.

That's true. Dogs need to have their vegetables crushed to break down the cellulose so that they can digest them. In the wild they would get most of their vegetable matter partly digested from the stomach contents of their prey or rotting fruit/vegetable matter they find on the ground.

A whole carrot is purely for chewing and entertainment value :o Pele loves to chew on a carrot and spit it out :mad

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I have heard that the only way a dog can get the nutrition from a carrot is if the carrot is pulverised. Apparently they are very good for dogs.

That's true. Dogs need to have their vegetables crushed to break down the cellulose so that they can digest them. In the wild they would get most of their vegetable matter partly digested from the stomach contents of their prey or rotting fruit/vegetable matter they find on the ground.

:rolleyes: :( I always include a small bag of carrots in the veggie/fruit slops I make up. They go through the blender.

The pugs love a bit of raw carrot as a treat also.

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Grumpy loves his carrots. Always good when you can fool a dog into thinking that a vegetable is the greatest treat ever. Miss Mini tries bravely to like them but she's not keen and makes a sort of hacking sound as she tries to swallow. She likes joining in with whatever Grump does so I give her a little and she pretends to like them.

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My dogs love carrots!

Jessie will eat them when they are finely grated or chopped finely and steamed, and mixed into her dinner.

Tilly eats chunks of raw carrot like they are a treat. The other night when I steamed some carrot for their dinner, she sat there drooling. :thumbsup:

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I never thought of giving the dogs a whole carrot to chew, although they have it grated in their raw mix. Benson loves whole raw apples though and will steal them given half a chance.

I gave them a carrot each a few minutes ago and they looked at me like I was stupid, and it took a few minutes for them to realise they can eat them...but they're both chowing down on them now and enjoying them!

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Ours get grated carrot in their dinner every night as a natural filler (especially for Elle who's on a diet). They also LOVE pumpkin ;) We freeze small bits of apple, pear and carrot in summer as treats or just give them each a whole carrot and they munch away. They tend to eat them in their beds though and it stains it orange.

Daina won't eat grated carrot unless there's yoghurt mixed with it yet she will eat a whole carrot in minutes :)

Edited by Mim
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