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The Official January Photo A Day Challenge


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Well done Jag. I had to shoot a corporate Golf day once and didn't even think to take shots like that
Thanks Chezzyr. Just wanted to try something different. I am always taking pics of the poodles so this thread has given me the push to try and expand my boundries.

Oh Tokkie - what a beuatiful pic of the giraffe.

Lea - just so beautiful and the colours

MTD Molly is so beautiful, I really like the way you have her haed and paws in focus and the body fading out.

Krislin great moon shot. One of the have to do that on my list.

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No Saturday photo from me. We have been a bit busy here. I'm off to Fiji this afternoon ( :confused: ) and if I don't get online over there to post, I'll do so when I return. :confused:

There is some great work in here over the last few days. :confused:

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I'm so going to miss checking in and seeing all these great shots each day!

I have my last one before my holiday...I only got one frame as hubby moaned and rolled over, disturbing them. Lobo and Til wasted no time taking over the bed when I got up this morning. I can't believe Lobo lets Til sleep with her head on his tummy like he does...it weighs a ton (which is surprising since it seems so empty!) With the baby Oly 720SW


Keep shooting and I will check in when I can!

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I didn't get time to post these last night after the show. I forgot the damn camera battery (ARGHH!) so I had 45 minutes to get a shot!

OH eating a cupcake. With his chosen green icing... ew!


Blurry, pathetic light, just an awful shot... but hey, it was almost midnight and I don't have the lens or the flash to make it work at that time of night! So I'm going to try again today.


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Can i take Molly home?


:confused: Don't think she would be too keen. She has a real people phobia :confused: She is the sweetest little dog out there but unfortuntely only shows ths attribute to me :confused:

Well done Jag. I had to shoot a corporate Golf day once and didn't even think to take shots like that
Thanks Chezzyr. Just wanted to try something different. I am always taking pics of the poodles so this thread has given me the push to try and expand my boundries.

Oh Tokkie - what a beuatiful pic of the giraffe.

Lea - just so beautiful and the colours

MTD Molly is so beautiful, I really like the way you have her haed and paws in focus and the body fading out.

Krislin great moon shot. One of the have to do that on my list.

Thanks . She is a beautiful girl , love her dearly .

I have to agree with all your other comments too .

Everyones's photo are great . I like the variety of subjects, makes for a very interesting thread to read.

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Lea: he is definitely a Whistler, I would guess Rufous Whistler. Feel free to send your pooping little guy to me anytime!

Just for reference (not done for challenge)

These are Rufous Whistlers (male and female)


These are Golden Whistlers (male and female)


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here we have a pic taken this morning..

titled "Summer".

It shows the colours and aspects of this corner of the world's Summertime - the blue clear sky,red dry rocky outcrop.. dying shrubs/trees.. and the gorgeous Rainbow Bee-eater, on the hunt :)


oh- straight off-camera

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I'm going to attempt to catch up with some comments before posting yesterdays pic, I'm massively hungover though, so I apologise if I forget anyone!

Lea: You're photos are making me move to the country! Gorgeous :)

Ash: I wish my crap pics were as good as yours :p The noticeboard is brilliant, as is the one of you OH. Well done on the Flickr explore thingy too :cool:

Wags: Nice colours in the toy bucket. Riley's spoilt!

Piper: Really like your Beagle pic. Nice lighting and DOF. She's got the evil eyes! Of your next set, the second is my fave. Look at the intense look in her eyes! She's determined!

Persephone: I like the flowers. The colour effect works well on them. The colours in the landscape are great too, very vibrant.

iltby: Clever idea with the hand pic. Did you overlay the writing in PS? Maybe try multiplying it to make it take on the light and shadows of your hand? Of the next set, the eye pic is my fave. Really rich colours.

Huga: I like your second pic best. Nice composition. The aged effect works really well too :) Welcome to the challenge! :thumbsup:

Bindi~Boo: Your first flower pic is my fave. Nice lighting.

Ripley: I hear you about the OH thing! :love: That pic of Di and Monika is gorgeous. Really flattering. I'm glad I couldn't join you. I would've looked shit beside them :) The first one of the parrot with the reflection is cool too! Nice soft colours.

Blab: That's a lovely pic of Dash, he's very handsome :love:

Kirislin: That's a nice moon shot. There's was a full moon last night and I thought of you!

PM: Not my favourite subject matter, but I like the way the light catches the mist all the same! Is it a scary one?

Rocco: Love them all as usual :) I think the mushy's my fave though. Nice bokeh! Did you eat it?!!!

kja: Have you packed yet? :) I'm going to really miss your pics while you're away :cry: And Ash's too :cry: Hope you both have an amazing trip. I'll be in NZ at the end of the month, so we can bore each other with holiday slideshows in Feb! Say Hi to SF for me, so love that city!

Jag: That's a great shot, what are you talking about?!

CM: I'm really enjoying your Chester pics. Like I said on Flickr, they're making me want a Dally! :p

MTD: That's a nice portrait of Molly :)

Tokkie: How cool's that giraffe pic?? Well done!

TN: What show did you go to? Sydney Festival? What's your OH doing eating cupcakes so close to bedtime? And, why isn't Ashoka in bed asleep? Nice pics :laugh:

PPS: Just gorgeous. I take it Pootie's a pink kind of a girl! My niece asked my sister once "Mommy why do you only wear black, do you not like pink?", like that's the only other colour in the world :laugh:

I am always taking pics of the poodles so this thread has given me the push to try and expand my boundries.

I feel the same way. I'm so glad Ash started this. It's really given me the push I needed to take more pics. I bring my camera every where with me now. I even brought it to a festival last night, whereas before I would've been too worried about it getting damaged. I'm constantly looking for things to photograph. I actually bought the "Devil's Meat" because when I saw the price I thought it'd make a good pic :laugh: Thank you Ashanali :D

I'll be back to post mine in a bit. Need to download and upload :laugh:

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Here's mine for yesterday. Todays will probably be something within my line of sight from the sofa! :)

We went to the opening night of Sydney Festival in The Domain last night. The Cat Empire, Mr Scruff and Grace Jones. Brilliant, and free too! I was too far from the stage with the wrong lens to get any good pics of the performers, so I went for abstract. Mmmmm, bokeh! :p


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Oooh - I like Ruthless! Very pretty. Sorry I can't get more technical than that :)

Today's effort is a bit blah, but I quite like the weird composition and the look on Lola's face...


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