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Titre Testing

Anna H

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Sorry if it's been asked before (I couldn't find the answer in a search) but how long is Titre testing 'good' for? ie, does a dog need this done yearly or less often? or is it a case of once the levels suggest immunity, there would be no need to retest?

If a boarding kennel was to accept a dog that had Titre testing done, how old can the test results be before they would request the dogs be done again?

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In theory they should be good for life, however, most boarding kennels and sporting clubs still require more frequent tests. They are all different so I guess you will probably have to ask around and see what the general consensus is.

I have 1 club who are happy to accept these results for life and another who haven't really made up their mind about when I need to do it again, although probably every few years.

My certificate from my vet says they need retesting again 12months on, but the vet told me that was purely so that they could still keep an eye on everyones dogs and give them yearly checkups. If people are happy to come in for a check up she doesn't see the need to retest.

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