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Worming Tablets


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Can't advise on taste as I've not tried any myself. :wink:

My dogs loathe the chewables and I find it far easier to just put a tablet down the throat and follow with a treat.

If they are only small tablets, a piece of 4Legs is a good tablet disguise.. give a couple of unadulterated pieces first, then the tablet one then another plain one.

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I always put them straight down the throat, that way you know they have been dosed.

Easier and quicker and generally less slimy than trying repeatedly to get them to eat something they have munched and spat.

Personally I believe all dogs should be accustomed to being dosed with pills, makes life so much easier if they need medication. It really isn't hard.

Agree with this completely.

Unfortunately my OH tries to get our guy to "eat" all his tablets. I stopped him doing it when I found his antibiotic on the floor the next day.

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