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Visit To Farm For Our 9 Week Old Puppy - Risky?

Peter D

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We are staying at a friend's farm in the New Year with our 9 week old puppy. The property is mainly bush and some pasture with around 100 head of cattle habitating in various areas of the property. Our friend does not have a dog and I don't believe that there have been dogs on the property for a number of years. No wild dogs but no doubt some foxes. There is plenty of other wildlife (wallabies, wombats, possums etc). The puppy will be staying inside with us at night and we won't be letting her run free. Because of ticks we will be carrying her mostly.

I'd appreciate any feedback on any risks that you believe we should be considering.



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Foxes carry mange, so when you get back from your visit and you see her itching best to pop on some Revolution.

I would use tick prevention on your farm stay!

I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, my main concern would be snakes.

I wouldnt carry her everywhere, let her be a pup and explore the world. However I would go over her thoroughly every night for ticks.

You could always call the vet local to where your staying and ask them what nasties you need to look out for :(

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Definately look out for ticks ... and snakes so do keep a close eye on the pup. Your pup will love the experience.

We use a tick collar and also wash our dog weekly in Fido's Free-Itch rinse (which is supposed to give about 3 days of tick protection) but he still will get ticks - so we also do a full check twice a day (morning and night) just incase we miss a small one. If your pup is likely to chew the collar then don't use one - they can be highly toxic if chewed on.

I have also brought every device on the market to remove ticks and have been shown how to use them properly (because I am just a little paranoid :thumbsup: ). And have a fully stocked first aid kit just for the dog with a doggy first aid book ... did I say I was a little paranoid?

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Clydes suggestion of speaking to a local vet is very sound advice!!!

As for the foxes.....perhaps ask the vet if they carry diseases dogs can catch....I have heard they can carry parvo & distemper, but this may be an old wives tale....a vet would know I would imagine.

It's difficult trying to manage socialisaion with safety with babies isn't it?! Hopefully the vet will put your mind at rest. Have fun!!!

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Pretty sure frontline spray covers paralysis ticks and is suitable for puppies.

Prevention is better the cure so treat for mites/fleas etc as well before you go.

Watch out for eyes & ears on barb wire fences.

Dams - don't let her wander off by herself and cows will normally attack and kill a strange dog.

Horses also will kick and stomp/trample a strange dog.

Make sure she does not take off and try and chase livestock (a great game indeed).

Snakes don't just hide in the bush they can even be sunning themselves on rocks or roads/paths.

Just remember to relax and have fun. I live on a farm and (touch wood) have no problems at all.

Its a matter of being aware not parnoid.

Hope this helps.


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Tick prevention is a must Killtix can be used on a pup 8 weeks onwards.

If you are worried about snakes put your pup on a lead when you walk him/her.

I like the idea of contacting the local vet for information about the area.

Have fun while away, but as with anything keep vigilant.


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