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Stud Tail


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ETA over time its gotten a bit better, the hair is growing back

When we asked the vet she wasnt too sure but was happy with the hair that was growing back (its been a few months) Initially it looked like a burn

Edited by shoemonster
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Sophie's hair grows back in a couple of weeks. I see Molly has had hers for longer but it does look like the same thing. I'd try something like the Vets All Natural dermal ointment or something similar which will help with the dry skin. You could try washing it with Malaseb that seems to fix most things. Molly's not ugly either :thumbsup: .

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Entire cats are prone to it, desexing usually nips it in the bud. Do desexed dogs get it?

I used Malaseb on the cats.

Atlas gets it, he has been desexed for years. Most of the bullys at work also get it, desexed or not

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Sophie is also desexed. I just took photos of her tail. She's actually probably had it for about a month this time. Sorry the photos aren't very clear but it's hard to photograph ranga tails especially when the don't stay still.



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