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Toilet Training - Non Crate Method


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Just wondering if anyone has some advice on non crate toilet training? Unfortunately I haven't got a crate to crate to train my 8 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. She sleeps in her bed on the floor in my room. She used to be really good and she would cry and I would wake up take her outside and she would toilet and then she would go back to bed. She starts crying now and I wake up and she has already toileted! She doesn't want to go back to bed either she just wants to play! What is the best method to toilet train without a crate? She is great during the day because I watch her and take her out after play time and meals etc. Any ideas/ suggestions would be appreciated!



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Why don't you just get her a crate?

If it's $, you could get a compost holder from Bunnos ($20) and fill half of it up with stuff to make it the size of a small crate.

Last I looked you could get crates though for about $50 online. Good investment :thumbsup:

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Set your alarm for just before she's waking up.

Get up, take her out, praise her when she pees and put her back to bed.

It will make you sleep deprived for a while but you can slowly extend the time she sleeps before you wake her.

The other method that works is to sleep her ON your bed and get up when she stirs.. she's unlikely to actually pee where she sleeps.

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  persephone said:

feed her early in the evening.

No water available close to bedtime, or overnight.

make sure she has lots of playtime before bed.

toilet her immediately before bed.

Is she just peeing, or poo'ing as well?

She is just peeing. She gets fed at 6pm and then she goes to bed at 9pm. She gets plenty of play time before bed! I make sure she pees before bed.

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  persephone said:
Why don't you just get her a crate?

I have had lots of pups/dogs, none have ever pee'd at night more than once.. and I have never used a crate.

Lots of people have housetrained pups without crates.

I realise that, my current pup is the first dog I have ever used a crate on too. It was because the OP sounded as though she actually wanted one by saying "Unfortunately I haven't got a crate to crate to train my 8 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel." It's not unfortunate if it's her choice :thumbsup:

Edited by Clyde
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Guest belgian.blue

I was going to add that 9pm is too early. With my pup I was going out at midnight at the latest. Then up every two hours.

She went inside a fair bit but when she did it was only because my ex partners lap dog always goes in the house so Ivy thought .. hey the house already smells like pee to me so why can't I go in here? Which makes toilet training 10 times harder. Ivy now won't go in anyone elses house but sometimes she'll go in ours.

edit - in the mornings if I want a sleep in and can't be arsed getting up I let her on the bed till I'm ready to get up so she's not wandering around the house to pee. But if she won't settle on the bed then we go out!

Edited by belgian.blue
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I am too just toilet training our new 9 week old Boxer. He to has his dinner at 6pm he always goes to sleep after that about 8-830 he will wake, poo play and then sook until bedtime at 1130-12pm. I stay up to wait for hubby to get home from work. He isnt a fan of staying up that late, last night i let him on my bed at 10pm because he was sooking and he fell asleep.

He sleeps all night, but we wake at 7am so maybe its not really that long. If he does wake because he is on my bed i wake to him stirring and take him out. We have had accidents during the day but never at night.

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In the early days with out dog, I woke twice a night to take her out. I would take her at 11pm before I got in bed, then wake at 2ish, and again at 5am. This didn't last long before we went longer,

and only got up once a night at 3am. Before long she started going all night without needing the toilet, by which time we had installed a doggy door. It seems like it will last forever when you

are in the process of it all,,,,, as well as the sleep deprivation. (luckily our dog has never wanted to play at night time). You will get there in no time at all... good luck.

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