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Rimadyl Post Desexing?


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t has gone from a single operation breeders vet to being one of a franchise

there seems to be a bit of this happening lately. Dont like it. Wont go to them, and they standardise it way too much to make it one size fits all.

I went back to my old vet (who mum took our old GSD to about 10 years ago) he's still in the same tiny 2 room clinic up the road, best bloke you ever met and cheap as chips. I know who's looking after my dogs from now on.

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Not sure what injections your vet gives? But we give two at the end of surgery - one anti-inflammatory, and one antibiotic. Both last around 24 hours, hence the three days worth of Rimadyl also.

Where I worked they used to always give an injection of Metacam after spays - gives pain relief for about 24 hours.

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