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Adverse Reaction To Vaccination

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Hi Fellow DOLers,

Max had his 3rd vaccination a week ago and last night, out of nowhere appears a lump in the area where he was vaccinated - the size of a flattened golfball. :laugh:

So, I'm thinking hmmm... it could be an adverse reaction to the injection only way to find out is take him to the Vet and find out ...just wondering if I'm over reacting here...

His behaviour hasn't changed at all, he's eating/drinking normally. There doesn't appear to be soreness, redness, loss of hair or any other sign around the lump and it moves easily under the skin typical of a swelling caused by inflammatory cells.

Do I wait to see if it goes down/goes away or do I take him in to be on the safe side? :)

Anyone out there that's had to deal with this before that could offer advice/support?

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You are not over reacting at all. I'd get it checked out. My in-laws golden retriever recently had a reaction from vaccination and it turned nasty, requiring draining etc. Not sure what happened

entirely but it left a big wound, and the pup got sick.

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I wouldn't bother with the vet. It is a reaction but pretty harmless.

It occurs sometimes and will go down over the next two or so weeks. Massage it gently when you think to do so.

I think I have had three rescues, that I was fostering, that have had the reaction and all of their lumps fixed themselves over time.

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Hey there!

When we got ash's needles the vet explained that sometimes a golf ball lump might appear in a week or so, she also said not to wrry to much unless it felt hot or he was finding it extremly itchy!

so i would just say keep a eye on it an make sure it dosnt get hot!

If so take him back to the vets :D

its so stressful when something little happens to your baby!

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