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Lenses For Dummies


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Should I leap to my defence?

I hope you dont think my email was having a go. :p I def think if you have the money and can afford it, then get the best gear. I have a lens that cost me that much and I am in no way/nor want to be a professional. But I love my lens and it was worth every cent. I am putting time into learning it and in my defence started off with pretty ordinary gear to work my way up to a special lens and a practical lens too I might add. :laugh:

I was implying that sometimes people feel the pressure and their first lens choice is top of the line and really, they will never use it properly or well as I mentioned about the people in my email. Beautiful camera gear but I know the operator will always take "happy snaps". Actually interesting topic last night was alot of "professional" photographers have shut up shop since the new age of digital photography. Everyone thinks they are a professional with a digital, come in cheaper and these talented professional dont get the work. :)

I have to admit I was all over the 70-200 VR F2.8. But realizing it's a lens I don't actually need as it's not my style. Next lens is a 85 F1.4 as I know this will get a lot of use. :rolleyes:

But get what you can afford and know you will use. :)

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a few weeks after that I was down Paramatta river shooting some bats that live in the trees there, trying to pan with them as they flew overhead.

If you go down there again (do you mean Lake Parramatta reserve?), keep your eyes peeled for 2 grey herons, I've seen them there, probably around June this year they were there.

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Well i am excited :D my new canon 70-200 f2.8L USM came today and what a nice piece of glss it is had to get out and quickly take some shots just because i couldnt help myself. These were pretty quick shots and low res doesnt do them justie i am impressed with the sharpness.

This one was taken around 6pm sun behind the mountain, my other lens wouldnt have coped with this shot in the light provided.




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I have found all of your posts of great help to me thankyou. I am thinking I need to do a course to learn properly how to use my 40D and then go from there. I would love an array of lenses, and whilst I am not intending to go professional I have always had a keen interest in photography as a hobby but have never been able to take it up, well until now since OH bought me the camera when we went overseas.

That lens you are talking about LukeW sounds great and I would love to own one along those lines, there are soooo many lens it just confuses me. Maybe now I am on holidays I can read the booklet that came with the camera and learn some more, but if Im honest Im more of a hands on person than read instructions lol.

I am still trying to find pics to show you some of the areas I thought may need a different lens but after all this reading it is probably the photographer who doesnt really know how to use the camera:-)

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