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5 Month Old Dog Still Not Housetrained.


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We are at our wits end with our 5 month old miniature poodle.

Typical is what has just occurred. He has been asleep and as soon as he woke we called him to come outside and wee. On the way, quick as a flash, he crouched and did a wee on the floor. We still took him outside to the designated area and spent 10 minutes telling him 'wee'.

No result and we assume it is because he did it on the floor before he got out the door. So we came back inside and, yes, he crouched and did it again within minutes.

We believe we are doing all the right things. We take him to the same area regularly and if he 'goes' we praise him madly and reward him with a treat. But at least 5 times a day he comes back inside and, even though the door is propped open so that he can get out at any time, he does it inside.

I clean up with vinegar, hopefully to eliminate any odour.

Any suggestions please because this is really getting us down. He is the third pup that we've had over the years and we did not have such a long-lasting problem with the other two.

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  jasperd said:
We are at our wits end with our 5 month old miniature poodle.

Typical is what has just occurred. He has been asleep and as soon as he woke we called him to come outside and wee. On the way, quick as a flash, he crouched and did a wee on the floor. We still took him outside to the designated area and spent 10 minutes telling him 'wee'.

No result and we assume it is because he did it on the floor before he got out the door. So we came back inside and, yes, he crouched and did it again within minutes.

We believe we are doing all the right things. We take him to the same area regularly and if he 'goes' we praise him madly and reward him with a treat. But at least 5 times a day he comes back inside and, even though the door is propped open so that he can get out at any time, he does it inside.

I clean up with vinegar, hopefully to eliminate any odour.

Any suggestions please because this is really getting us down. He is the third pup that we've had over the years and we did not have such a long-lasting problem with the other two.

He's weeing 5 times a day at 5 months?

And he's weeing inside, 10 minutes after weeing inside?

I'm not sure, but maybe that's a little excessive. Assuming he sleeps for at least 8 hours during the night, that's roughly every 3 hours.

Maybe get the vet to check him out?

Is he always going in the same spot inside? You might try getting one of the commercial enzyme cleaners.

When he wakes up, do you run to the door and call him excitedly? Try to get him to run outside with you - not give him a chance to stop?

My dog wasn't completely housetrained until around 6 months.

Sorry I can't offer much advice.

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Have you tried carrying him outside, eliminating the chance to pee inside? And maybe set a timer for a certain time (e.g. 30 minutes) and every time it goes off take him outside to pee.

I would agree with all the things LukeW has said, too. It does seem a bit odd that he is peeing so much -- then again, I don't know what's normal for a miniature poodle!

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Carry him outside so he doesn't get the chance to wee inside.

Sit outside, ignoring him, until he wees. Do not give up after 10 minutes. Sit outside for 30 mins if you have to, or longer. When he wees, then praise him, then let him back inside.

If you CATCH him weeing inside, give him the big growly 'NO', pick him up and carry him outside.

I wouldn't worry about the door being open for him to go outside yet. From what you've said, he does not yet know that outside is for toilet, inside is not, so having the door open means nothing to him.

For a pup that age and with what you have described, I would be taking him outside as soon as he wakes up, after eating, after a play session/zoomies etc and every 2 hours. At 5 months their bladders are big enough to hold for longer, but this is not about the size of his bladder, but rather, removing the opportunity to wee inside at all.

You might also want to consider a belly band for when you have him inside. If you can't keep an eye on him inside for any reason, either pop him outside, where it's safe to wee, or crate/pen him or attach him to you with a lead. Don't give him the opportunity to wander the house without you watching him - you need to catch him in the act of weeing inside every time so you can interrupt it and take him outside (preferably when he begins to crouch, before he wees).

Good luck :rofl:

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Yep i agree pick him up at present to break the "normal routine".

As already said the door maybe be open but pup obviously hasnt figured out what is expected so you needto go back to the basics.

Also agree either pup has an infection or what you are feeding is high in something that makes him pee alot.

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

I doubt that he has an infection because he sleeps all night without the need to toilet. Also, he will not toilet when he is on a lead so if we take him out, even if it is for a couple of hours, he waits until he gets home.

But then some evenings after dinner he might wee on the floor (or outside if we've taken him out and we're lucky) three or four times before bed. This does seem excessive. He is confined to the family room and kitchen with us and 'goes' anywhere in this area.

He had a vet check a few weeks ago but not a urine test so perhaps that would be worthwhile. Otherwise we'll just keep persevering, I guess.

I suppose my great worry is that he'll never learn and we will always have this problem.

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But then some evenings after dinner he might wee on the floor (or outside if we've taken him out and we're lucky) three or four times before bed. This does seem excessive. He is confined to the family room and kitchen with us and 'goes' anywhere in this area.

For every wee he does inside, expect five more. Unless you discipline yourself to take him outside (I suggest every 20-30 minutes), wait till he pees and reward him for doing it, perseverence is simply going to get you more of the same.

You simply cannot afford to take your eyes off him long enough to allow him to reinforce that peeing inside is OK.

What do you do if you catch him in the act. I'd be saying noooooo in firm voice and picking him up to take him outside.

I would be investigating crate training. If you cannot supervise him constantly, then crating him may buy you some breathing space.

You don't have forever to get this right. You need to increase your level of vigilence, and the amount of time you are spending outside with him.

Definitely carry him outside to avoid that first accident after waking. Only once he has better bladder control would I be swiftly encouraging him to follow you, using a lead if necessary.

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