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Rally Obedience


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Launceston (Tassie) is doing the final work for the seminar coming up in September. Proposed date is Sept 26/27th (not fully confirmed but we're working on that and should know in the next day or so, as I'll have to book my flight)

Townsville is confirmed on the above dates. I'll have some contact details for anyone interested very soon, if they want to get signed up.

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  • 1 month later...
I may have an opportunity to visit and wondering if there would be anyone out there that might be interested in attending a Rally Obedience seminar (probably a full day but nothing has been planned yet) or a series of smaller classes to introduce this sport to the obedience folks.

I'm trying to see if there would be any interest, what areas that groups would be able to gather and if it would be something that folks might want to allow me to instruct?

Just looking for a bit of feedback on this to see if it's worth pursuing. Looking primarily at ACT and surrounding areas, but could be willing to venture further if there was sufficient interest in something like this.

it would be great if this where to take off in Australia.Id be interested.

Edited by Piri
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Tiggy: If you can get your obedience club to organize it (it's not necessary but I have found that it is much easier to let the club do the organizing and registration as well as finalize my details) let me know. I've got not too busy of a calendar over the next while (forget October, it's totally SHOT!)

I have an outline for the seminar that I send to the clubs interested that gives details in what I do, what everyone will be doing and what is needed for me to be able to teach it.

We are still working very hard to get this recognized and I know that the follow up from some of the clubs has been wonderful. We are still working on getting more clubs to host the seminar, in order to spread the word of this fantastically fun sport!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well although I'm not home yet, I wanted to quickly post about the Tassie seminar. I was VERY happy to have SUCH an enthusiastic group of potential Rally exhibitors/judges in attendance. Although the weather should have been horrid, inspite of the high winds, it didn't rain for the sunday outside portion and I had some GREAT helpers to chase down the occasional run away sign!

Thanks so much to the Launceston Obedience gang for hosting this event. Everything (I thought) went very well. The venue for the lecture was great and it was nice to have the extra space to practice spirals and serpentines prior to the sunday run throughs!

OK...so there were a few small glitches OUTSIDE the seminar including a slight power disruption, and a certain dog who will remain nameless but went "romin" and decided to "conquer" something in the woods and leave his mark....or perhaps I should say it left its mark! A bit of wind and a fencing problem also added to the excitement as well as having a slight experience of camping to remember things by! However in spite of a few things which now also included my departure flight being delayed four hours, we all survived the experience!!

Thanks Jan for your hospitality (and Gail for the little touristy moments in greater downtown Deloraine!) as well as the club members who came out for Saturday supper for more of a chat and a visit!

Am looking forward to getting back to the mainland and a nice hot shower :rofl:.....but the charcoal chook was a nice meal and the wine went well with it although we forgot about the icecream....but it was lovely dining by candlelight...... :)

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Thanks Anglesun :)

It was a great weekend and two very tired sheppies last night, didn't hear much from them at all :laugh:

We are already practising our TIGHT 360 & 270 turns too :eek: and planning how to incorprate what you have taught us to my Wed night obedience class :rofl:

Hope to see you down here judging once this becomes "offical"

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Great to meet you. Your dogs are not only lovely GSD's but wonderfully working as well! (was talking to Tony about them and hoping that someone snapped a few photos as I know he would love to see them!)

Would love to get back down again....very awesome group of people and dogs. Enjoyed both ends of Tassie!

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Well, the power finally back on last night. The Roamin' Gladiator has been hydro-bathed to remove his Eau de 'dead thing' Cologne and a chainsaw purchased to convert 18 windblown trees into next year's firewood (not including the ones we removed from the road on the way to the seminar Sunday morning).

I learned heaps from our Tas Dog Training Club Rally-O weekend not the least of which is that Rally-O instructors can see the lighter side of any Tassie weather drama as long as plied with the basic food groups of wine, caffeine and chocolate. Oh, and if you want a little music with your charcoal chook by candle light, just ring the power company and put your phone on speakerphone for 30 minute segments of 'lift music'.

In all seriousness, the Rally part of the weekend was a resounding success and 21 very enthusiastic participants are eager to progress this sport in Northern Tas and Australia-wide. Tas Dog will be having a mock trial the afternoon of their November obedience trial.

I would like to thank the Tas Dog committee for their support in seeing this through. Many thanks also to Laurie, Brenda and Hazel, "Stewards in Training" (and sign chasers extraordinaire).

Thanks to all participants, human and dog alike - there was some beautiful teamwork out there on Sunday. I hope to 'process' a few pictures in the next couple of days and will post link when they're uploaded.

And, yes, thanks Gayle for helping Angelsun have a few touristy moments meandering around Meander Valley on the way to the airport.

Biker girl, your sheppie girls were gorgeous and good, as always. I look forward to adding your classes to my weekly fix of Rally-O.

Most of all, thanks Angelsun for a great seminar; your energy level was amazing as was your gracious good humour when the lights and hot water went out in Golden Valley.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A huge thanks to the Townsville gang who hosted the latest Rally seminar. Attendance was wonderful and the enthusiasm, second to none!

We stayed with great hosts and I really enjoyed the social event (meet and greet) on the Friday night before the event, which included a surprise Birthday cake for me!

The seminar went well, with a nice venue to work in, and two lovely sunny days which were really appreciated by me coming from the chilly south where we were still using the wood heater up til the day we left to fly up!

Thanks to those that came down from Cairns to attend, as it's quite a drive. I think they all enjoyed themselves and their dogs were working really nicely.

I gave out another 100 score (doesn't happen very often) to an amazing kelpie. Congrats to the dog and handler for taking my breath away on a very challenging course!

As a reminder to some, the URL for the Rally Obedience forum is:


Only takes a moment to register to use this web based forum (similar to DOL) and we are hoping that more people sign up and begin to ask questions and list their upcoming matches.

I was told that some matches were being planned for the Townsville area as well as some other areas, so lets use this forum to keep everyone up to date on the latest news about Rally-O.

Am waiting on word from the Albury area as to possible seminar, and still chatting to a few about something in Adelaide and Perth.

Keep an eye out for details as I'll post them when I finalize things.

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Albury is tentatively November 14-15th with more details to be announced. They had hoped to have it the week after but I have plans that weekend so can't be done.

Will post more hopefully after the Albury shows on Sunday as I will be talking more about it and hopefully finalize a few things.

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Ooooh who in Adelaide angelsun - I would love to go and happy to help organise but couldn't get a club to support it and we were hunting around for a venue. Happy for a PM.

Well I have heard a rumor :crazy:.................. even all the way down here :rainbowbridge:

That Angelsun maybe in Adelaide to weave her magic on you.

Just speak to Rae Hedger Ness :crazy:

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Rally-O classes now happening regularly on Sunday mornings in Launceston, currently in the 10.45 time slot - two concurrent sessions, one for beginners and one for more advanced (those who attended the seminar).

A mock trial will be held 29th November in the afternoon after the obedience morning trial. Location is Churchill Park in Launie.

Check the club's website at www.tdtc.org.au for more info and/or to register. Come along on the 29th to watch or drop by on Sunday mornings to get further involved.

Angelsun, glad to hear you had running water and lights in Townsville! :(

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Rally -O seminar confirmed now for Albury NSW December 5-6th.

Please contact Billie Louwrier at [email protected] for registration details.

Please be sure to pass this information around to those that may have expressed interest for this region. I know that there were a few from the Shepparton area and Wangaratta/Myrtleford regions that have spoken to me about this in recent months.

Will post details as to time etc, when I get them.

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