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Puppy Outside, Training And Cleaning


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Hi there,

I have a Japanese Spitz (9.5 weeks old) and i was was just wondering at what ago can they stay outside for the whole day while we are at work (she sleeps inside at night)?

What is a good age to start training?

Also at what age do they start clening themself as she doesnt really do so (yet)....

Thanks in advance

Sorry another question, what is the best and quickest way to house train them as she isnt seeming to catch on much...?

Edited by casnpete
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Hi Casnpete, provided you have good fencing, plenty of shady areas and a kennel or some sort of shelter/sleeping area for the pup, then there is no reason why your pup cannot be outside right now.

Recommended training age for pups is from 8 weeks of age, paying particular attention to socialiation which is extremely important during the critical period of socialisation, being the first 16 weeks of life. Have you enrolled into a puppy training program yet?

Also at what age do they start clening themself as she doesnt really do so (yet)....

Not too sure what you mean by this last question? Do you mean cleaning herself like a cat cleans itself?? Dogs will groom themselves from time to time, mainly their paws, hind legs etc but I think you will need to wait until your pup is a little older. Is this what you meant?

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You would have to make sure the yard is secure, no places she can squeeze through, nothing she could eat that could be dangerous for her. Tilba was a nightmare when she 1st came home & I was there most of the time.

Training should have begun with the breeder. Puppies can go to puppy pre school from 8-16 weeks of age. Good for socialisation.

As far as house training goes you need to be more vigilant, only give her access to one room with an easy clean floor. You need to take her out after eating, drinking, waking up, playing & every 1/2 - hour in between. I found a crate helpful because usually a puppy won't foul their sleeping area unless they came from a pet shop. Take her to the place you've decided she is to use as a toilet, wait until she goes, use a phrase like hurry up, & when she goes give her a couple of treats & lots of praise. Never punish her for making a mistake, clean it up with an enzyme cleaner & watch her better next time.

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Thanks for your help. We have her in the kitchen area which is safe and easy to clean.

We do take her outside then when she doesnt do anything we come back in and 2mins later its on my carpet....

Grrr im trying to be watchful but she is a sneeky little thing.

Also what can i give her for treats as she is on a special diet call science diet. We got her from the breeder and she was very sick (cost us $330 to get her out of the vet hospital) so they put her on this food an she is great and doesnt have runny dodo's anymore.

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Casnpete, most puppies will have some form of "the runs" upon coming to a new home from the breeders. This can be mainly due to change of diet, a little stress from being taken away from the litter and mum and getting used to new surroundings. It does usually subside within a week or two, and if you are happy with the Science Diet and she is thriving on it, then no need to change. You can use any form of treats but perhaps nothing too heavy at this stage. Perhaps some dried liver treats or even schmakos, you can graduate to more yummier treats as she gets older ie small pieces of cut up Luncheon or devon meat etc. Just be careful on how many treats you give her so that you don't fill her up on these.

I never recommend house training a puppy indoors as this paves the way for confusion and a much harder task later on. It sounds as though your pup does not have the concept of house training yet so don' t panic...but I would highly recommend taking her outside to eliminate, rather than inside. This way she will associate grass etc with her toileting habits, rather than the kitchen floor or anywhere indoors. If you are home during the day then a crate is a wonderful way to house train, but if you are not, then best to start leaving her outside.

Good luck

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