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Interesting Behavioural Issue


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At home Poppy is bottom of the pack. My old girl Fern is well and truly the boss. Brock is next but he is a soft natured dog so there is not much argy-bargy from him, he does sometimes put Poppy in her place and will push her off her food if I am not there.

Last night I had Brock and Poppy out at training. I had them tethered to the same pole. Poppy was growling and snapping at Brock. We went for a walk and they were playing together off lead. On the way home in the car Poppy was growling and barking at Brock.

Poppy did seem quite 'put out' that Brock was at school! I normally take them on different days.

Poppy has also been 'resource guarding' me. When she does this now, I tether her away from me. Go get her and if she stops the snapping she gets to stay.

Most dogs ignore her when she snaps at them. She doesn't bite btw, it is an air snap. Brock ignored her last night.

Any thoughts??

She was so horrible to Brock that someone even asked if they live together!!!! At home they play all the time!

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I don't really understand the question.

Are you concerned this will escalate into fights? Are you asking if this happened b/c they went on the same night?

My bitches are bitches to my boys, but I rarely interfere & it's just general bossiness. I'm not worried about it, nor am I worried about which one of them seems to be the boss, b/c it varies depening on situation/location/resource and does not impact anything enough for me to worry about.

How old is Poppy?

Edited by Vickie
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I am wondering why she isn't like it at home. Or if I just take them for a walk. She is so gentle with the kittens even.

I am not rapt about having a little snapping monster either!! She is 1yo. Yes is definately a bossy type behaviour. She will even tell dogs off for going near their own owners!

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