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Stopping 31 Dogs Barking


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I'm after ideas for stopping dogs barking in the morning as we are letting them out of their kennels to go into the day yards.

They are nearly deafing. They are fine after they are out, just at that very exciting time is the only time they are noisy. To make matters more difficult most of the time there is only one person letting them out.



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Have you tried only letting them out when they're calm?

It's not quite the same, but we keep our dogs in runs and when we got home from work they'd go crazy with excitement. We started giving them no attention and waiting until they were completely calm before letting them out. No talking to them and no looking at them. It didn't take long for them to get the idea!

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I have the same trouble with 11 dogs. I dont let them out until my neighbours have left for work. And then I do it as fast as possible. If I waited for calm, they would never get out, I am afraid. At least with mine, it is only a matter of 5 mintues, once a day, when they are all carrying on.

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I used to have that problem as well, but not nearly as bad given I only have 10 or so at any one time.

I armed myself with the spray bottle and squirted anyone that jumped up and down in the kennels or made a noise while I was getting them out. I found the ring leader who stirred everyone else up and once I sorted her out, the rest improved straight away.

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I'm with Rysup. I don't let my dogs out 'til after 9 am. I put them away later at night. They are really surprised on 'show' mornings, and because they aren't expecting it at 5 am, they are sleepy and quiet. And the horses come bolting....instead of already waiting at their food dishes.

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"SHUT UP" bellowed at the top of my lungs seemed to work for me. :( There goes my lovely singers voice.

But seriously...that is what I used to do. In sheer and utter frustration, I YELLED my fury and frustration with FULL passion and with every ounce of....I want to kill you &*^&^*$# Dogs...into my voice, and into the words..."SHUT UP!"

And instantaneous silence descended upon the kennel blocks......

Worked well for the resident dogs. There was some tweaking as newer additions had to learn what shut up meant.

MURDER when you had boarders. Because some would only bark louder. :)

Would I recommend this technique...not especially...but my desparation seemed to work for me on this job.

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Are they your dogs? Or boarders?

There is no way i would be walking around screaming at dogs to shut up if they were not mine, i would also not be squirting dogs with water that are not mine, or using any other form of punishment.

Block views to each other - at work the dogs can see all the dog grass runs and get stirred up at the other dogs running around, we are trying to work out the best way to block the view from each other, so the dogs can run around in the grass, but the dogs in the kennels can not see them. Maybe get covers for the kennels, and open them as you let dogs out.

We have 60+ dogs most days at work, they all bark in the AM and they all bark at feed time, some worse then the others

Oh, also find out who the problem dog is, we have 2 that come in that stir everyone up, no idea why, but them just being there makes all the dogs crazy!

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Thanks for your replies.

Yes 31 dogs is alot of dogs but they are at the kennels I work at, not mine. They are 10-12 mth old boarders but have been with us since about 3mths old (they aren't in the kennels from that age). We have tried blocking their view but they know what is going on :thumbsup: . I'm not real keen on punishment as you are killing the dogs drive as they know they are going out to do what they are bred to do, with young dogs this can be very detrimental to their training. I have seen this for myself.

31 dogs dropping all at once, on a verbal cue would be kinda cool!!!!

It would. But it would take a better trainer than me with the time limitations I have :thumbsup: my boss keeps me busy doing other things.



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There is a noise device that actives on the dogs barking & emits a high pitch tone that the dogs DONT like... I think inotec (sp) may have the product. There is one for indoor use that I have seen working in kennels but I personally would not leave it on all the time as other loud noises can active it.

I would be very tempted to look at on in a kennel situation and use it only when it was needed.....

Just an idea.

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There is a noise device that actives on the dogs barking & emits a high pitch tone that the dogs DONT like... I think inotec (sp) may have the product. There is one for indoor use that I have seen working in kennels but I personally would not leave it on all the time as other loud noises can active it.

I would be very tempted to look at on in a kennel situation and use it only when it was needed.....

Just an idea.

then you punish the dogs that are not barking :laugh:

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Here, where I live now no-one can hear them but when I lived around neighbours I used to arm myself with a hose and spray em when ever they went at it. Within a wek or two all I had to do was stand with the hose on my hand and no one said a word ! Bugger the spray bottle that wouldnt work on this lot .

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  • 1 month later...

I run a boarding kennel and don't like noise.

I don't find an easy solution. Some things that help:

- if some dog likes to bark at some other dog, park them far apart

- make sure dogs aren't barking out of some distress (eg separation anxiety . . . sometimes pairing a barking dog with another dog they like stops the barking)

- if you can identify a culprit/ringleader -- in consultation with the owner -- use a bark collar. I used to think this was a no-no in a boarding kennel, but I've found that most owners are happy to have you use the device once you explain how it works. I think it wrong to use one without asking the owner, however.

- make sure everybody has a full stomach at meal time. Hungry dogs bark more.

I feed my mob and let them out before sunrise as the worst barking is between sunrise and when they arefed/ let out.

The best solution may simply be a good set of ear plugs.

Edited by sandgrubber
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