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Omega 3/6 Fish Oil Ratio


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I recently heard from an orthopeadic surgeon that it's actually Omega 6 fish oil which is so beneficial for joints - not Omega 3. Of course I've been madly feeding Omega 3 fish oil capsules to my young labs. :p

Has anyone heard this before? Is Omega 6 available in much the same way that Omega 3 is? I understand that Hills JD formula contains both Omega 6 & 3 fish oils but at $145/13.5 kg, ;) I just cannot afford it. I already own the million dollar dog! :cry:

All the Omega 3 fish oil capsules (for humans at least!) claim to be good for joints so I must say, I am more than a little confused. :laugh:

Thanks in advance.


Edited by woody2shoes
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