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Parvo Outbreak - Victoria


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with the socio - economic thing, we had our dogs in Boronia and they were fine, my boy caught it when we moved near the city, Coburg, thats not really a lower classed area is it??

You might find that Coburg has a larger european based population, maybe even now asian, could be that people with english as a second language don't understand the importance of dog vaccination. Whereas I would say Baronia and surrounds has a larger population of causacian residents that have been raised knowing that you need to vaccinate.

Just a thought.

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My boy was vaccinated, he is almost 7 months old. I think I will stay away from DOL for a bit as it seems to be upsetting too many people and making people paranoid, I had no intention of this at all.

Thank you for all good thoughts, I will read but will refrain from posting anything for a while.

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I don't think you need to refrain from posting Missymoo.

There are always small outbreaks of Parvo in Vic, every summer, as others have said it's just a 'time of year' thing like gastro in humans. Nothing you can do about it.

If people want to know they need only call a couple of the surrounding Vets to see if there have been any cases.

It was very unfortunate that Hef caught it at Spring Fair. :cry:

Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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Theres no need to go MM, we need to know how Hef and you are doing... you shouldn't feel bad for making people paranoid and no-one is upset at you. This is not something you could have prevented, nor is it something you should have to go thru alone...

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How is Parvo diagnosed? If it is just done by symptoms or are vets able to take blood and diagnose right there on the spot? I would have thought that blood or other samples would have to be sent off to a lab.

MissyMo how was Hef diagnosed?

As for causing people to get paranoid I think that people need to realise that you need to take resonable precautions with your dogs, ie vaccinating, but you can't wrap them in cotton wool.

Edited by puggy_puggy
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It's better to have people slightly paranoid and avoid certain areas especially if one has a young pup, then for people to remain oblivious and expose their dog/pup.

I don't believe that's it wrapping them in cotton wool, more being aware of the risks and trying to reduce them :cry:

So don't stop posting MM :laugh:

Fingers crossed for Hef

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MM - I agree - don't stop posting. If people just keep quiet about these things we would all become complacent and that would not help either. I think it's best to be kept informed rather than not. I'm just a worry-wort.

Anyway, MM, we really want to know what's happening with Hef.

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How is Parvo diagnosed? If it is just done by symptoms or are vets able to take blood and diagnose right there on the spot? I would have thought that blood or other samples would have to be sent off to a lab.

MissyMo how was Hef diagnosed?

As for causing people to get paranoid I think that people need to realise that you need to take resonable precautions with your dogs, ie vaccinating, but you can't wrap them in cotton wool.

My pup had parvo only 3 days after we got him this year. parvo is tested by taking a swab sample of poop and mixing it with a chemical then putting it on a stick that reminds me of a pregnancy test, one line to make sure that the stick is working property the 2 lines confirms a positive result. One of the local vets here does not stock parvo test kits and relys solely on the symptoms, high temp, lethargy, vomiting and diarrohea. So I guess diagnosis depends on your vet

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My boy was vaccinated, he is almost 7 months old. I think I will stay away from DOL for a bit as it seems to be upsetting too many people and making people paranoid, I had no intention of this at all.

Thank you for all good thoughts, I will read but will refrain from posting anything for a while.

Let me just ponder on this... other people are upset that your dog has parvo??

WTF?? Jebus people get a grip. Missy's going through the emotional wringer here and someone wants to get upset about her posts?

I had a 13 week old puppy at Spring Fair and other DOLers had pups there too. I appreciate people letting me know what's going on so I can watch Howie (who is fine btw) just in case.

Parvo is EVERYWHERE. A bit of warmth and some dampness and it springs to life. It don't care where you live or how posh your suburb is. All that matters is that you vaccinate your dogs. High volume parvo prone areas have low vaccination rates.

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My boy was vaccinated, he is almost 7 months old. I think I will stay away from DOL for a bit as it seems to be upsetting too many people and making people paranoid, I had no intention of this at all.

Thank you for all good thoughts, I will read but will refrain from posting anything for a while.

Let me just ponder on this... other people are upset that your dog has parvo??

WTF?? Jebus people get a grip. Missy's going through the emotional wringer here and someone wants to get upset about her posts?

My take on this is that Missymoo is concerned she's made people worry about her post - due to Hef getting sick at a dog show - not that people are upset with her posting about her dog having parvo. No one has said anything negative about her dog having parvo - we've all been cheering for him. Correct me if I'm wrong...

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My boy was vaccinated, he is almost 7 months old. I think I will stay away from DOL for a bit as it seems to be upsetting too many people and making people paranoid, I had no intention of this at all.

Thank you for all good thoughts, I will read but will refrain from posting anything for a while.

Let me just ponder on this... other people are upset that your dog has parvo??

WTF?? Jebus people get a grip. Missy's going through the emotional wringer here and someone wants to get upset about her posts?

My take on this is that Missymoo is concerned she's made people worry about her post - due to Hef getting sick at a dog show - not that people are upset with her posting about her dog having parvo. No one has said anything negative about her dog having parvo - we've all been cheering for him. Correct me if I'm wrong...

There was already a confirmed case of parvo at Spring Fair - MM's Hef wasnt' the first. Why would MM say people are "upset"? No doubt there's stuff going on behind the scenes, as there usually is.

I'm showing at EPIC this weekend Poochy.. at Hound Club.

Edited by poodlefan
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Around this time last year I got Noah and there were parvo outbreaks in VIC. It happens every year as it gets warmer.....same precautions should be taken as they are every year, nothing to panic about.

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Around this time last year I got Noah and there were parvo outbreaks in VIC. It happens every year as it gets warmer.....same precautions should be taken as they are every year, nothing to panic about.

Agreed. Frankly you're at just as much risk (if not more) toileting your dog at a road side stop.. plenty of dog shite in most of the ones I stop at. Makes you wish people would pick up after their dogs [sigh]

Adult dogs can be shedding the virus without showing signs of illness. Vaccination and a bit of risk management is all you can do. :rolleyes:

This is most definitely the time of the year that rescues should be vigilant about quarantining new dogs.


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Well, I live in a really bad area well known for parvo - whenever I see a young pup walking the streets, I automatically think 'dead dog walking', which is terrible, I know but seems to be fact. It's so bad here that the vets have changed the vaccination schedule to ensure pups are protected a lot earlier than the usual 16 weeks.

Thanks Poodlefan. We are scheduled to take Henschke to the dog show in Canberra this weekend. We will take him - I can't keep him wrapped up in cottonwool...

Perhaps one way to stop or limit this sort of thing from happening again is for a requirement to produce up to date vaccination certificates each time you enter a dog show - or for the governing bodies (such as Dogs NSW) to keep a record on file...just a thought...

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Perhaps one way to stop or limit this sort of thing from happening again is for a requirement to produce up to date vaccination certificates each time you enter a dog show - or for the governing bodies (such as Dogs NSW) to keep a record on file...just a thought...

Except plenty of people disagree on what is the most appropriate vaccination protcol...

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I dont think it is unreasonable for people to be wary knowing that there is parvo around.

Yes it happens every year aropund this time

I for one am glad MM told us that Hef has parvo and that he got it at spring fair

We had already heard of another case of it

It just makes us a little more careful when we take our dogs out.

Or at least it will make me a little more careful/wary

I also dont think that it is unreasonable to ask the question if dogs that were at the spring fair have been shown since SF, where they have so people that have been at those shows and be more watchful.

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Perhaps one way to stop or limit this sort of thing from happening again is for a requirement to produce up to date vaccination certificates each time you enter a dog show - or for the governing bodies (such as Dogs NSW) to keep a record on file...just a thought...

Except plenty of people disagree on what is the most appropriate vaccination protcol...

I know. It's a difficult topic.

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Perhaps one way to stop or limit this sort of thing from happening again is for a requirement to produce up to date vaccination certificates each time you enter a dog show - or for the governing bodies (such as Dogs NSW) to keep a record on file...just a thought...

Problem is that vaccinated dogs can be completely unaffected by the virus but still carry it. :rolleyes:

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