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Help! With Our Dog Door


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After spending last summer with the house flooded with flies and the air-con working half heartedly we decided to install a dog door much to our dog's dismay. She absolutely HATES it and refuses to go through it even though we don't have the flap down at the moment so it just is like a hole in the door - if she hits the side whilst going through it does make a bit of a noise which also has her terrified.

We have tried coaxing her through, luring her with treats, putting her food on the other side but the only way she will go through is with a "little" push and her being 32kgs it's not an easy feat. I don't know if by forcing her to go through we are going to make it worse. :thumbsup:

Any one who has had a similar experience or any ideas would me MUCH appreciated!!

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This just needs patience. I once had bruno run up the stairs and be too frightened to come down. I didn't want to push him as you are supposed to make them do it themselves. I left a trail of treats down the stairs and left him there-went outside. He cried and howled for 25 minutes. After half an hour I had a quick look and he had made it all the way to the bottom. I praised him profusely. He ran straight back upstairs so he could try his new trick again :thumbsup: .

With the dog door, I would leave some really yummy food on the other side and wait patiently for your dog to go through. It has to be a really good treat (cheese for mine) for it to work though. You could also leave the dinner on the other side of the door. Eventually the dog will get hungry enough to go through the scary door.

Good luck :love:

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Firstly, is the door big enough? How is she hitting the side?

It took a while for our two to get used to ours. We taped the flap up to start with as it scared them at first.

We didn't really force them to go through it. However we did stop letting them through the normal door so if they wanted to go outside then the only option was to go through the dog door.

We lured with treats once or twice but then we would go out the normal door ourselves and shut it behind us. The desire for them to be outside with us over rode any fear of the door.

Edited by Malamum
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Dr Harry dealt with a dog like this on Better Homes and gardens the other night

FRom memory he removed the door completly than started with a light piece of paper stuck on it than something else(can't remember exactly what)that was a bit heavier than eventually the door 1/2 up with tape

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The door is definately big enough - I've been through it a few times myself :thumbsup: We have the flap up but it is when she bombs herself through she is hitting the side and it makes a noise. All she needs to do is step through it but she's leaping through it because she is so scared and it rattles.

At the moment she is outside whining because she wants to be inside and she knows the only way in is through the scary door. Her outside is probably better for us because once she is inside there is no way she is going to use the dog door to take herself outside to go to the toilet at this stage.

We put her breakfast inside where she could see it but that couldn't even lure her in I think tonight I'm going to bring out the 'big guns' and have yummy chicken to see if that can entice her. I feel so mean at the moment because she just wants to be in but I think patience and consistency is the key but I think it's going to be awhile!!

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We just installed a dog door on Friday. Henschke is THE biggest whimp...

Hubby was on one side and I was on the other and one of us showed him the treat poking it through the flap so he could see it. We started by lifting the flap and he went through awkardley (he immeditaly goes down onto a step, so it's not an even passage). When he stuck his head through the door we praised enthusiastically. It took a while, but then he went through and everyone praised. What a good boy!

The flap on his back and the noise scared him. He looked worried and apprehensive, but we just pretended it was a game. He went through and back again, each time acting scared. He loves going outside with us and so we went out and closed the door behind us so the only way out was for him to go through the door. After a moment his head appeared and again it was lots of praise. Then he put his body through and again lots of praise.

The door was then closed and the only way in or out was through the flap. At first he would just sit there and look at me. If he did that I would show him the outside (which he's always interested in) and then he'd stick his head through (lots of praise) and then would 'pop' through.

It took a little time, but now he goes in and out as he pleases. It is probably the second best thing we've done (the first was to get a crate).

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I tried all of the above with Jake and he wasn't keen. Until I had another dog to stay who has always used a dog door. Given the choice of not following the other dog through or braving the "scary" door, Jake chose to use it. I followed up every successful time with praise. Now he uses it absolutely no problem.

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With mine I left the door off for quite a while until he got used to it, then used some clear plastic from lincraft to make a little flap. It helps a) if he can see another dog go thru and b) go outside regularly without him and eventually he will get the idea that the only way out is the dog door.

You would be surprised what a little hole most dogs can fit thru - in fact it might be better its a tighter squeeze (unless he grows) so he doesnt come flying through it at full speed (like my female does).

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My first dog has JUST started to use the dog door - I have had him for four years. What worked in the end was to make going through the door VERY VERY exciting. No amount of coaxing, food rewards etc would get him to do it again. So a few months ago we put all the other dogs away, cooked the sausages and cut them into doggy-bite-size pieces :eek: , propped the door open, and took a handful of sausage to each side. We made great, excited whooping noises, squeaked toys and generally made fools of ourselves, while lavishing praise and treats for each time through the door. In the same session we lowered the door but helped him push it open, and by the end of the session he - just the once - went through it himself. Repeating the same thing every few days for a few weeks, and now, when something really really exciting is happening, he will go through the door!

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If it is a clear/opaque flap, that is likely to be the issue. I've had over 50 foster dogs and the Dr Harry tip given above of sticking bright wrapping paper either side, creating a target for the dog, is what has always worked for my foster dogs!

Cut the paper out to match the flap size, 1 piece for each side.

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