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Food Allergy?


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Could it just be she reacts very visibly to changes in either her temperature, or outside temperature?

Maybe, I never thought about that, will monitor the pinkness and see if it's associated with over exertion or too much heat etc. Although she can get quite pink at night (which made me think it was food), when she's calm and it's not hot. Though there's still the shedding... but maybe puggy puggy is right, it may be the pug in her that makes her naturally a shedder. I've been feeding her sardines and started on eggs occasionally as well to see if it increases the quality of her coat, as it's pretty dull. But that could be due to all diarrhoea she had and the antibiotics. Gosh she makes me worry! Hate to think what I'll be like with children!

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Dry coat and excessive hair loss can be symptoms of hypothyroidism as are weight gain, increased lethargy and a host of other symptoms including diarrhoea. Symptoms can vary from dog to dog. Most dogs that develop thyroid problems are older, but it may be worth getting her checked out.

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The pinkness looks very typical to the ones we board.You will also find the feet are often pink aswell.

As for the shedding you will fined the white hair will shed far more than the coloured & the white will be a thicker kind.

The bee stings if reacted badly can take a toll on them & there glands can be inflammed for up to 6 months.

I would go to the chemist & buy some tablets for irrated tummies.We use flora max ,the encourage the good bacteria to re establish.we swear by it

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minis are new and quite expensive from what I've seen.

Her skin looks about normal. Try Eagle Pack holistic - I would try the fish formula first and NO TREATS OR ANYTHING ELSE. you need to exclusively feed that food for at least a couple of weeks, if she is still bad then try the duck formula.

get a thryoid test for her ASAP

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Hi MABlover, I'm sure you're probably exhausted by all the recommendations given to you.

It's not a good idea to chop and change your dog's food continuosly, therefore if you are finding happiness with the current food then let it be, although Nekhbet's recommendation of Eagle Pack Holistic (Anchove formula) is designed for skin irritations and allergies in dogs.

Regarding the Origen (sp?) brand of food, I did read about it's connection to deaths in cats recently....something about finding traces of industrial type cleaners in the ingredients. Darn, I deleted the email which pertained to this, very interesting read!

Regardless of 'breed', a dog is a dog....it has four legs, a tail (or stump) and a huge heart. Any animal, whatever species is deserving of respect from us humans, the supposedly more superior species of animal! :thumbsup:

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I thought if this is good for humans it's also good for dogs.

Transfer Factor® Plus™

Boosts Immune Function by 437%

Independent studies show that Transfer Factor Plus formula from 4Life® Research propels immune system function to an amazing 437% above normal. More energy, better health, 100% natural.

Transfer factors are tiny molecules in a capsule that transfer immunity information from one person or animal to another, exactly as happens when a mother breastfeeds her infant. Transfer factors are your immune system's teacher of the 3 R’s...

Recognise a disease–causing organism

React and attack to eradicate that organism

Remember that organism and mount an immediate response the next time.

And No, I'm not promoting this but simply did a bid of research. Maybe there are some experts here who can comment.

Petra and Felix

Single Bottle $100.43 $91.30

40024066 TF Plus

90 capsule bottle (Au)

6 for price of 5

(1 bottle for FREE!) $502.15 $456.50

40024067 TF Plus

90 capsule bottle (Au)

12 for price of 10

(2 bottles for FREE) $1,004.30 $913.00

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