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Help With Nervous 'nelly'


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Hi. We have a 6 month old Field Spaniel which the breed is renowned for being 'wary' of strangers. When he was a pup we were told to tell people to ignore him; he would approach when ready. At the age of 8 weeks he was very happy going to people and this was encouraged. At the age 12 weeks to 16 weeks he became less forward approaching people, but after a moment or so, would approach them.

We thought this 'fear' period was over, but just in the last 2 weeks, he's started it again. It seems to coincide with workers coming to the house three weeks ago, who walked straight in the back door and ignored him. He barked (I didn't praise him) and he soon settled down.

Last weekend I had a painter come to the house - the man came in, ignored the dog and then Henschke growled and barked. I didn't know what to do, so I picked him up. I didn't praise him or anything. (Perhaps wrong thing to do.)

Last night the in-laws arrived and Henschke was quite scared - he ran away, bolted is more accurate and we tried the ignoring thing. This resulted in him barking at them.

I put a collar and lead on him and surprisingly he became a lot more relaxed. I am guessing this might be because he feels that he's not alone and doesn't have to 'defend' himself? When he's on a lead, he's quite happy to approach people and unless they yell at him.

After a little while, he relaxed and I removed the lead and he was happy going near them for a pat.

Is the collar and lead something I should be doing when people first came to the house (as it seemed to work) and what should I do if he barks at people?

I don't want him developing bad habits and I don't want people thinking he's 'dangerous'.

Is his behaviour normal for the breed or is it something to do with his age? He's a show dog, so he's not being desexed - is it related to his hormones?

All advice most welcome.

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Poochmad, I can remember seeing quite a few field spaniels back off judges in the ring, from what I've seen recently things have improved, but there were definitely temperament problems in the breed a few years ago. The breed standard makes no mention of wariness with strangers and I would consider this sort of behaviour very undesirable, there is a distinct difference between dogs that can be a little aloof and dogs that are timid.

I'm sorry, but I have no suggestions as to how to deal with this, I'd recommend you contact one of the qualified behaviorist/trainers on this forum, Erny, Cosmolo or K9 Force, it may also help to have a word with his breeder as they should have a thorough knowledge of the breed and their lines and may be able to help.

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Poochmad, I can remember seeing quite a few field spaniels back off judges in the ring, from what I've seen recently things have improved, but there were definitely temperament problems in the breed a few years ago. The breed standard makes no mention of wariness with strangers and I would consider this sort of behaviour very undesirable, there is a distinct difference between dogs that can be a little aloof and dogs that are timid.

I'm sorry, but I have no suggestions as to how to deal with this, I'd recommend you contact one of the qualified behaviorist/trainers on this forum, Erny, Cosmolo or K9 Force, it may also help to have a word with his breeder as they should have a thorough knowledge of the breed and their lines and may be able to help.

Hi Miranda. I'm aware of the breed temperament - I've seen other Fields and out of the 4 we saw, 2 were skittish. You're correct with the breed standard however, breed clubs and books all discuss the wariness or standoffish behaviour for Fields. Some tend to be quite exuberant with their attention, while others will stand back.

Our breeder did warn us to socialise, socialise, socialise and that's what we've been doing. When he's on the lead outside the house he's great. He's very happy to go up and say g'day. As I said in my post, he seemed to have gotten past it, but now has started backing off again.

As he's good outside the house on the lead, I'm more interested in learning what to do when people come to the house. Especially when he barks at people...

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Puppies eye / sight development changes between 6 to 10 months - you may have noticed him spotting (or alerting to things in the distance) - this could be something to think about - perhaps strange people seem really weird or scarey to him at the moment - maybe put him away in a safe place when people come (in his crate with a bone) so that it doesn't become a learnt behaviour until you can get on top of it.

There is also a recognised fear period between 6 to 10 months (8 to 10 in our breed so I guess it depends on their maturity).


Perhaps you have had someone try to break in your house or a prowler who has scared him at / around / in the house and this could be why he is acting different there.

Try some natural stress relief drops on him - the best one I've found is from Carol Freeman in Victoria (03 - 9796 8330) - her Crisis / Stress Drops. Or try Bush Flower - Emergency Essence or Bach Flower - Rescue Remedy. If you are in Vic I recommend going to see Carol as she can give you drops tailored for your dog and exactly what he needs - which work faster.

Good luck with him - remember he is still a baby forming his view of this weird and wonderful world.


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Puppies eye / sight development changes between 6 to 10 months - you may have noticed him spotting (or alerting to things in the distance) - this could be something to think about - perhaps strange people seem really weird or scarey to him at the moment - maybe put him away in a safe place when people come (in his crate with a bone) so that it doesn't become a learnt behaviour until you can get on top of it.

There is also a recognised fear period between 6 to 10 months (8 to 10 in our breed so I guess it depends on their maturity).


Perhaps you have had someone try to break in your house or a prowler who has scared him at / around / in the house and this could be why he is acting different there.

Try some natural stress relief drops on him - the best one I've found is from Carol Freeman in Victoria (03 - 9796 8330) - her Crisis / Stress Drops. Or try Bush Flower - Emergency Essence or Bach Flower - Rescue Remedy. If you are in Vic I recommend going to see Carol as she can give you drops tailored for your dog and exactly what he needs - which work faster.

Good luck with him - remember he is still a baby forming his view of this weird and wonderful world.


Hi Bisart Dobes - Henschke has been doing that very thing! I've noticed him sitting on the couch looking into the distance and wondered what he was looking at. Also, we did have someone come around the house when we weren't home...it was a builder coming to take a look at the house and apparently scared Henschke. I guess having all these strange people around the house may have caused it as well.

The lead thing seems to be working well, so I guess I will put him on a lead when new people come to the house.

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