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Does The Amount Of Food I Am Feeding My Lab Puppy Sound Ok?


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After reading your post I thought I should wight my 18week old lab and he is 19kg, I would not of thought of him as overweight at all, He is healthy happy and still has a lot of growing to do.

My pup gets a cup of dry food with yoghurt in the morning,

lamb flap or shmacko bone (the one that is mostly beef not grain) only if I'm going out

and then a cup of dry food, mince and veg for dinner.

or a chicken frame if i'm out of mince.

I was giving chicken necks, but was advised that he could choke on these as he is unlikely to chew on them...more of an inhaleing action :laugh:

I was told this after I bought a big bag of them... :scared: so I have them frozen and if its a hot day I stuff one into his kong and let him have at it...

Like I said until I read your post i would not have thought of my dog as overweight...


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No I am not giving him a calcium supplement. Wow this raising dogs can be mind blowing sometimes. So for the past couple of days They have been having.

Morning: 2 Chicken Wings

Mid Afternoon:Lamb Offcut/Bone

Dinner:Lennards Pet Mince mixed with Yogurt sardines,blended brocolli,pumpkin,

So Basically I have taken away Their Kibble And have cut back a little of the Mince

I know I should probably put them on straight 2 meals but when I get home from work which is about 2:30 I like to give them their Meaty bone then

So Am going to see how he goes without the Kibble I reckon he has slimmed a bit in the last couple of days,LOL..MAybe not. Wish I Knew how to re-size pics so I could show you him

Oh BTW Trav&Lyn Pup is Gorgeous

Puggy Puggy U are sooooooo Helpful

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